02. The Talk.

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Seungmin could sense that his parents were acting all fidgety since they were having their dinner. They keep on stealing glances but with a worried face showing. And when he asked if everything were all right, they would just say it's nothing and they're completely fine.

They are actually not.

His sister already went back to her home with Jisoo since tomorrow still has school and she has work to attend but they promised they would come back on weekend. Jisoo was excited to plan his sleepover in his uncle's room.

While they were resting in the living room with a movie played on the television, Seungmin took the opportunity to properly ask his parents about earlier he sensed. If it's really nothing, why they were still fidgety even after a while?

Seungmin slowed down the volume of the television and called his mom and dad. Both of them looked at him with a smile that seemed more guilty than worried.

"There is something wrong...Come on, tell me? What was it?" Seungmin had this worried face. It's really fine if there's really nothing. But if his parents faced anything that could be a danger for them, he should step in no matter what.

Both of his parents looked at each other before Mr. Kim started to talk.

"We actually-- Oh gosh, how do I even start this..." his father looked down and played with his fingers for a moment before he took a deep breath and looked at Seungmin again.

"We want you to get married--" that was the only thing out from his father's mouth.

Silence. Seungmin's eyes were looking straight into his parents' eyes, but his mind already went everywhere.

Married? Me? Now? Who wants to marry me? Why?

There were so many questions going into Seungmin's mind. The reason why this was brought up all of sudden, out of nowhere. He needed the answer.

"Seungmin...?" his mom called and Seungmin snapped himself back to their current conversation. His parents were waiting for him to respond.

Breathe Seungmin.

"Me? Getting married? Why? How?" he blurted the questions he was holding in his mind just now. Mr. Kim let out a sigh and cleared his throat before he looked at his son.

"Son, look, I'm so sorry. It was my fault. I-- I agreed with their conditions--"

"Wait, who is 'their' here?" 

Another silence. But it doesn't last long as his mom answered. "The Lee's Group. They decided to help your dad's firm but in return, they want you to marry their alpha son. After they knew...we have you."

"Are you trying to sell your son?" it wasn't intentional, but Seungmin did raise his voice a bit. He's shocked, surprised, feeling betrayed. Why were they making this kind of decision without telling him first?

"No! Not in another life, Seungmin. We don't want, we don't even have that in our mind, to sell you off. That never crossed our minds. We love you so much. But you know what is currently happening with your dad's firm. It needed support, and the director from Lee's Group decided to help since he and your dad were old acquaintances..." his mom's answer was trailed after telling him those reasons.

"Seungmin, listen--"

"Is it because I am an omega? That's why you want to marry me off? Because omega couldn't live alone without their alpha no matter how long they postponed their marriage?" Seungmin was on the verge of crying, but he was holding hard the tears from leaving his eyes.

It's always like this. Ever since he was younger. When they got his medical report on his second gender. He was indeed a tad bit weaker than any of his other peers who were betas and alphas. He was sent to an all-omega school during his secondary education where they were taught everything about what an omega should be.

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