01. The Beginning.

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"Seo Changbin, wha will we have for today?" a familiar, cold yet full of authority voice asked the younger as they were walking out from the arrival hall of Incheon International Airport. They just arrived in Seoul from their recent outstation in Russia and the young director wanted to rush to the company for the next meeting.

Changbin was struggling with a luggage he was pulling in his right hand and an iPad in his left hand, checking on the young director's schedule. A chauffeur assigned for them already arrived ten minutes before their arrival. He quickly took the luggage from Changbin and a few carrier bags to be put in the car that was waiting for them.

Both entered the car and Changbin quickly filled Minho in with the older's schedule after they properly settled in.

"For today, you'll have a meeting with an investor for the new project in Jeju, which is an hour from now. And right after that, a lunch meeting with another investor. After that-- I think you'll be done."

"Alright." Minho was about to close his eyes to have a quick rest before his smartphone suddenly rang. He took a glance at the screen to see his mother is calling him. He quickly picks it up to hear his mother's excited voice.


"Yes, mother? I just arrived in Seoul."

"I know sweetie, that's why I called..." there was a brief silence from the other line before she continued.

"Could you stop by our house for lunch?" that was the only thing his mother proposed, despite her excited voice earlier. Minho remembered that he has his schedule packed for the day and was about to reject his mother before, again, his mother continued.

"I need to discuss something with you. Quite important...Could you come home?"

"I'll see about it, mother. I have a schedule for lunch--"

"Is it the meeting with an investor from Gangnam? I'll ask your father to clear it for you, no worries."

"But mother--"

"Okay, see you later sweetheart." click. His mother hangs him up.

Minho went silent and awkwardly switched his phone off and slipped it back into his coat.

He then cleared his throat to inform Changbin about the sudden change in his schedule. "Hey, Changbin? Could we postpone the lunch meeting? Tell them I have another urgent meeting at the same time."

"But sir, they've been waiting for a week--"

"Please inform them that I'll make it up later. I need to meet my mother as soon as possible." Changbin just nodded and quickly write an email for the person in charge with their investor, canceling the meeting for the day.

Minho looked out of the car's window, enjoying the view of the busy city of Seoul after a week of spending his time working overseas. Slowly let out a sigh and closed his eyes to rest a bit before they're arriving the company's building. He's quietly happy to be home and couldn't wait to meet his three cats. He needed to pick them up from his cat-sitter today after meeting his mother.

Pick the kids up, go home, and rest. He wanted to take a rest.

It's been five years since he graduated, and his father quickly assigned him to take over their family's company. Minho never took a break since that. He's been working nonstop, having less and less time for himself for which he didn't mind.

It's not that he's a filial son or what. He would say, he's far from that. But he has no reason to go against his parents. He got a job. It's just that he's insisted to stay by himself after he took over the company.

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