disclaimer + warnings

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hello! I just wanna drop some quick disclaimer, and warnings (I know I should've done this earlier T.T but I did not expect this story to blow up -- for which, thank you so much for that).

disclaimer: so here, this story is purely a fiction. fanfiction to be specific. for which it does not affiliate with the people in real life. it's purely just for fictional proposes.

for the genre, I chose it to be omegaverse (idk my semi-conscious brain at 3AM decided to write this before :'D so here it is). For those who does not familiar with this genre, you can google it for more details. Long story short, it's an alternate universe where human has another gender for them which is: alpha, beta, omega.

warnings: for this one, I'm going to add the tags which some of you might not read or it had slipped your view before you read this story :D

omegaverse, slightly nsfw (I usually put warnings before I started the chapter), bxb (boyxboy), s*x scene, mpreg (male-pregnancy), fluff (is this a tag? idk but I'll just put it here for reference too hehe), alphaxomega

idk what more to put but these are enough (for now...lmk if I missed something!!)

well, I think that's that. And oh, this story will undergo a little editing (also, I'm so sorry I just had the time to do it now T.T I've been busy with work and all) but no worries, just a slight editing, here and there. Nothing much to affect the whole story :)

Also, thank you for 7.9k reads like seriously I went on hiatus to log back with notifications blew up T.T <3 thank you for giving this story so much love :') yall are so kind istg I love yall so much hhh

also, skz's comeback soonn!! oddinary soon!! stray kids everywhere all around the world!!

sincerely, aie <3

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