I Prefer Raw Meat (Riley)

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Sorry guys, fights and make ups with my boy have been very common as of late. :) anyways over 2K, that's awesome! You guys are amazing! I'll try not to take too long this time, but I'm not entirely sure if I will be able to update this summer because I'm leaving all summer and I'm not sure if I'll take my phone or laptop... but I'll try!

Between worrying about Livona and having to go over these papers again, a massive ache has formed in the back of my skull. A part of me was glad Mom had taken her off because my wolf tended to take over whenever I was stressed. He would want to use Livona to relieve our stress. We never hurt her, we wait. He rumbled lovingly and I almost rolled my eyes. Sometimes I thought it was pathetic how he acted after we went through all the training for us to be tough and invincible. Then I reminded myself that she was our mate and that's how it all worked out. Just when I began to focus on my papers again, Connor waltzed in and slammed the door behind him. Tossing my papers down with more than necessary vigor, I offered my brother a tight smile.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" Connor smiled lightheartedly and sat in the chair across from my desk. He glanced at a couple of the papers before disregarding them with boredom. Then he leaned forward and started speaking suppositionally.

"So we both need to do some wooing right?" I resisted the urge to tell him that whatever his crazy plan was, that I didn't need it because Livona would eventually give in, and I simply nodded for him to continue, "Well I was thinking, why don't we take the girls to the lake? Girls love pretty places with hot guys they secretly want." I laughed genuinely, amused with his confidence. It astounded me that Connor could be so egotistical and women actually admired that about him. Half the pack females trailed him around, wanting to be his woman of the week, and the other half thought of him as their little brother. Somehow, not a single female could bring themselves to hate him. Getting annoyed by him was another question entirely. Standing to my feet, I drew back the curtains of my window and pointed out there.

"It's almost fall Connor. They'll freeze, their bodies aren't as hot as ours." Connor frowned for only a moment before another idea lit up his features.

"Then let's take them to the hot springs!" My amused smile shifted to one of contemplation. It was perfectly plausible, they'd probably even enjoy it. Even if they only went with us. Connor grinned excitedly and I smirked back.

"Yeah, sure, I think we can get away with that." Then he leaped to his feet and sauntered to the door.

"I'll go let Lissette know, does Saturday work for you and Liv?" Without hesitating, I nodded, knowing that if something did come up I would find someone else to handle it because I wanted to spend time with Livona, her best friend, and my brother. I needed to continuously show her what she meant to me. The dinner I had convinced her to agreeing to would be the first step. I leaned against the window frame, watching the distant wood line mindlessly, mentally going over my plans for tomorrow night. I wanted to take her someplace special. It was nowhere fancy, but it was a cozy little restaurant in a nearby town. She had experienced luxuries since she was born, I wanted to give her the simple things that would only mean something between us. I imagined how the entire night would go. There was little room for screw ups.


"Why can't I know where we're going again?" Livona grumbled from the passenger's seat and I glanced at her impatiently. She had been asking the same question since I told her to be ready by 7. Livona returned my hard stare and I eventually was forced to break it by returning my eyes to the road.

"Because a surprise won't kill you Princess." She mumbled irrately, fiddling with the ends of the black cardigan she'd worn over her smoky blue dress. The waist of it was gathered together right below her chest with strange, simple embellishments going around, but I still found it to look stunning on her. I had opted for black jeans and white t-shirt and a deep blue dress shirt, unbuttoned as a frame. Her eyes were angry as she glared at the window and I figured she was still mad that I'd convinced her to come. Reaching over before she noticed, I scooped her hand from her lap and held it gently in my own lap. Livona tried to tug her hand back but I only squeezed it tighter. Eventually she stopped and sighed defeatedly. Smiling at the road, I lifted her hand to my lips and planted a lingering kiss to her knuckles. Her nails dug into my hand a little, but I simply returned our hands to my lap. After she realized it wouldn't cause me to let go of her hand, she reluctantly stopped and had her hand limply within my own. It was some progress.

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