A Year to Win my Own Mate (Riley)

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Picture of Connor on side - - - - - >

She just stormed out but I still couldn't move anything but my eyes which followed her. This woman, they expected me to take that woman as mate? Whatever happened to waiting to find my true mate? Mom and Dad always preached it to me religiously and now they were making the decision for me. She had the emotional maturity of a pre-teen, not to mention she was a Vampire. Lovely. Mom's voice pulled my eyes to her concerned ones.

                       "How are you handling the news Son?" Dropping my hand from my jaw to my lap, I inhaled slowly before speaking hoarsely.

                       "This is really what's best for the pack?" My emotionless stare flickered over to Dad who met my eyes with a concerned expression.

                       "If there were another way to 100% ensure the pack's safety I'd choose it in a heartbeat." Dropping my eyes, I stared at my hands which were trembling in my lap. The pack always comes first. Transferring my eye contact with my parents, then the King and Queen, I responded with a stronger voice.

                    "I trust you." The parents all let our a breath of relief and the King spoke up.

                    "That's very responsible of you Riley. I'll go talk to Livona." My eyss shot over to the King and I called out.

                    "No, no I'll do it but after you guys answer a couple questions." Nodding respectfully, the King's voice held prideful surprise.

                    "Of course." Maintaining eye contact, I questioned flatly.

                    "When are we to be mated?" Glancing at his wife, the King's voice held leniency.

                    "Well if all goes well, in 3 days." Nodding in understanding,  I stared at my plate before questioning again.

                    "Alright, how are we going to do the blood bonding?" Traditionally,  the couple will bite their new mate and drink the other's blood to complete the mating bond. Obviously that's inconvenient considering we'd kill each other. Now the Queen answered my question.

                      "That's simple, dear boy, we'll have the doctor draw a mouthful of each of your bloods and then you'll exchange." That was a simple solution. Withiut skipping a beag, I turned to my parents for this question.

                     "Where will we live?" Mom grabbed my hand in hers and smiled with understanding.

                     "After the bonding ceremony, we will return home with Livona and one servant of her choice. A house is being built for you two on the boarders of our lands in order to make sure the trips for both species to the rulers will be equal." This is really happening. Standing, I smiled politely at everyone still remaining at the table. Which was everyone but Livona.

                     "Well thank you for the answers, I'll go talk to Livona now so if you'll excuse me." Everyone spoke encouragingly as I walked towards the dinig room doors.

                    "Take your time."

                    "Good luck."

                    "Have fun." The last comment came from Connor but I simply shot him an annoyed glare. This girl would be my mate and not because I found her charming in any way. In fact, she was immature, rude, and irresponsible. Who yells at their parents like that? Don't even get me started on the false name. This mate business was best for both our people so she's going to go through with it. Sniffing the air, I smeleld her despair and frustration. I'm not that bad of a guy! Following the smell,the trail ended behind a big, wooden door.  There were sobs coming from her room and I frowned. Her scent was strong and I found myself inhaling deeply. It was a unique smell once you got past her raging emotions. Sounds of scurrying around floated to my ears and I hesitated while I tried to place the scent. Oranges and earth. My wolf absolutely loved it, he was practically purring. Good because it's going to be around for awhile, I thought to myself  Knocking rather urgently, I listened impatiently as she slammed a door within the room and slowly made her way towards the door. Releasing an exasperated sigh, my eyes studied the white ceiling. The door opened and my eyes came to settle on her surprised face. Her jaw fell and her silver eyes first held shock and then anger.

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