Tour a la Doghouse (Livona)

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I hate werewolves! They are the most judgmental, stuck-up, pieces of shit I'd ever encountered.

        "Livona!" I didn't have the patience for Riley, no matter how sweet he pretended to be. I was annoyed that when he'd held me, my fear and anger had begun to fade. I'd refused to look at him when I left because I didn't want to feel guilty if he looked hurt. Without answering him, I continued to storm towards his room. I should've known his home couldn't be as nice as he had described. It was infested with werewolves after all! Riley tugged on my hand and I whirled around, swatting away his hand harshly. He frowned and I yelled out, rage causing me to hiss uncontrollably.

        "I said don't touch me!" Riley stiffened and growled lowly.

        "I'm trying to find out what's the matter Princess!"  He sneered and I gritted my teeth, gesturing with my arms wildly.

        "You really need to ask that? Werewolves are apparently stupid too!" Eyes flashing golden, Riley snarled and grasped me by the shoulders.

        "They are pack; they are not stupid!" Jerking out of his grasp, I tried to storm into his room, but he spun me around and trapped me against the door. Hissing, I imagined my eyes were black as I threw him off of me and pinned him against the wall by his throat.


         "You expect me to give respect when it is not given?!" His eyes were cold as he stood rigid, gripping my wrist in warning. My lips unfurled and tears stung at my eyes, my voice shaking. "You would have let me die if our fates were not tied...I'm beginning to wish you would've." His hard eyes softened and I released his throat to wrap myself up. Riley s voice was gentle behind me as I drained my eyes of tears.

       "Livona, that's not true." Quickly, he maneuvered himself in front of me, cupping my face in his hands. Groaning, I tried to Jerk away, but he only yanked me closer and wiped my years away with his thumbs. Angrily, my eyes met his, my breathing heavy, and my Vampire Soul screaming to kill. Yet Riley's eyes were soft, studying me as if I were an angel.

        "Angelus Meus." His guttural voice rumbled through my head again. Leaning his forehead against mine, Riley close his eyes. My chest heaved with heavy breaths, but no longer from anger. I had no idea what he said, but something about it made me feel girlish and pleased. His hand brushed over my hair and his lips pressed against the skin between my eyes.

        "I was terrified when you called out to me. I promised myself that if anything hurt you, I'd personally destroy it. I was taught to always protect my people, but in that moment all I cared about was your safety. In alpha training, all selfishness was beaten out of me, and still all I could think about was how I might never get to touch you again. " My mind was reeling at his words, my heart pounded against my ribs even though it never started to beat. I wanted to believe him. His blood within me burned and I felt mine in his body beckoning me. The tender way he regarded me was fascinating, that such a powerful man could willingly be so selfless. Every part of me knew that his mind had been altered after the blood bonding. It had confused him, made him treat me as he would his real mate. I knew I couldn't fall for pretty words, gentle touches, or passionate kisses. The reminder officially killed my mood and I huffed impatiently.

       "I see you were afraid of sleeping on the couch on our second night of marriage." His eyes flew open to reveal his warm, tree bark eyes and his lips twitched into a knowing half smile. His fingers brushed over my lips and I snapped at his hand with irritation. Riley chuckled and slowly released me, speaking quietly.

       "You think you can hide it Princess, but there's nothing to hide between mates." Scoffing, I finally entered his room, trying to cover my uneasiness.

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