Oh hell no! (Livona)

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The first one to stand up was the commanding one, Riley Fritz. Good Lord, what are the odds that these wolves were our dinner guests? The very people I lied about my identity to? Silently I prayed they had fhe decency not to say anything in front of my parents. Riley stepped forward, his hand stretched in front of him.

                      "It's great to meet you Princess Livona. I'm Riley Fritz, Prince of the Wolves." Unamused by his obvious amusement, I blankly stared at his hand until Mother cleared her throat expectantly. Rolling my eyes, I put on my little Princess smile and daintily grabbed his hand. Immediately we both recoiled when he shocked me. Frowning down at my hand, I turned my harsh glarr up at Riley but he was studying his hand; confusion clouded his brown eyes. Another voice pulled my attention away.

                 "It's delightful to meet you Princess Livona. I'm Leah, Riley's mother and Luna of the Wolves." Exiting Dad's side hug, I smiled and shook her hand, delighted when I wasn't shocked. Leah had beautiful brown curls and friendly blue eyes. Her smile was excited as she turned to a man with shaggy silver hair and studious brown eyes. He had to be Leah's husband, the Alpha and he was huge.

                   "She's lovely isn't she?" Standing, the man slunk his arn around her waist and extended his own hand. His handshake was firm and his voice smoothly calm.

                  "Yes she is. Livona I'm Reed, Riley's Father." Politely, I nodded and tried to remember names. That was a talent that all Princesses must master to make everyon feel as if you listened to them. Half the time I did, until it got into politics. My eyes drifted over to where Riley settled into the black lounging chair; his eyes were clouded with thought and his eyebrows were crinkled together, leaving a little wrinkle in between his brows. His chin rested on his knuckles as he stared off into space. Another new voice spoke up and I turned to see a guy that looked a lot like Leah with brown curls and flirty blue eyes. He looked young and his smile was wide.

                     "I'm Connor, the other Prince of Wolves." Again, I shook another hand and recited my line.

                    "I'm pleased to meet you all." Connor's eyes glittered and I tried to maintain my smile as he smirked.

                    "The pleasure's all mine Princess." Managing an airy laugh, I was relieved to hear an annoyed growl to match my own. Peering down, I couldn't hold back my chuckle as the wolf who stole my elk nosed Connor back towards the couch. A pretty girl with straight blonde hair and polite green eyes stood at the brown wolf's side. Nodding respectfully,  the girl offered her manicured hand.

                      "Hello Princess, my name is Tammi. This is my mate, Malcolm, he's the Beta of the pack." Shaking her hand, I wasn't sure how to acknowledge Malcolm. Awkwardly I nodded as he bowed; his chin touching the carpet for a few moments. Now that introductions were finished, an awkward silence fell over us. At least it felt awkward to me. Thankfully, a knock at the door grabbed everyone's attention. Lissette's head peaked in and once she realized that all attention was on her, she stood up straight. Bowing briefly, Lissette smiled sweetly and announced firmly.

                     "Dinner is ready, your Majesties." Clapping his hands loudly, Dad's voice boomed loudly.

                     "Perfect! Let's move this gathering into the Dining Hall." Everyone muttered their agreements and I took my place, walking behind everyone. Watching my shoes, I jumped as a voice whispered in my ear.

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