Just Trust Me (Riley)

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So idk if this is as long as it felt but here you go, enjoy, comment, vote... Whatever. Can I just say how much fun it is to write Riley? He's just so enamoured with Livona and it's just cute and to get to the point, I wish he was real and I had one

Did she really not know how much my wolf liked her? Okay and maybe I didn't mind her either. In my peripheral vision, I'd noticed she began to bite her lip as she appeared hypnotized by a couple of morning doves flying ahead. Internally, my wolf was frustrated when we were bombarded with her anxiety. Awkwardly, her voice stammered out softly.

            "So, your home is nice?" Sighing, I observed that her pace quickened from my own down the path. Staying behind, I watched her with a grumpy pout.

             "The pack house is nice yes, but the scenery is better. It's a decent sized home at the base of a mountain with snowy caps and shades of browns streak the sides. The house was built in the middle of break in the forest and there's a lake about 25 minutes away that my brother and I used to swim at when we were younger. " There was a smile in her voice now, yet I remained at a safe distance behind her.

              " Hmm, sounds fun. Go sledding a lot? " Chuckling, I noted that her steps had slowed to a stop by a lone birch.

             " Mountain is a little steep for that." Tenderly, her graceful fingers stroked over the birch's ribboning bark. And secretly, I wished I was the tree. That she would show me the quiet appreciation, wished she would even only acknowledge me beyond a duty. Even if it was just as a friend, or just the guy who tasted like a rainbow. Just not the werewolf who talked her into wrecking her life. Basically I wanted her. And so badly I felt my insides quivering at the thought of the day that I would succeed. Slowly, as if unsure, Livona faced me with her back against the tree. Her eyes twinkled in fascination and her lips quirked into a smile.

                "Does he show up a lot?" Returning her smile, I casually inched close enough that I was engulfed into our mixed scents, setting my wolf on edge and yet closer to contentment.

                 "Does he show up a lot?" Returning her smile, I casually inched close enough to be engulfed in a cloud of our mixed scents.

                 "Who Princess?"

                 "Your wolf, your eyes are turning golden again. Doesn't that mean he's here?" Grinning with silent pride, my chest swelled when she recognized the signs of his appearance. Mate will always notice us, my wolf purred. Our mate smart and sensitive to us. Maybe he was right.

                  "He's always with me, we are one. He chooses to remain hidden until he's summoned or coerced out. But that also means he chooses to come out sometimes." Nodding in understanding, Livona pursed her lips in thought as she began to braid her hair back slowly.

                  "So is it a good or bad thing when he chooses to play peekaboo?" Chuckling, I lowered myself to the rich soil beneath us, relishing in its coolness. Livona stared at me, curiously awaiting an answer.

                  "Well he only pops up when we're really mad or of he likes the person. Even then, the wolf leaves most details of everyday life to the man." Smiling widely, Livona eventually sat also, adjusting her hair so it rested over her shoulder. Quickly her fingers blurred to finish her braiding.

                   "So he likes me then?" The fact that she cared made me smile again and my wolf squirmed, whining at what felt like a canyon of distance between us. He wanted to be so much closer, feeling her besides us. He wanted to pepper her face with adoring kisses and leave love bites along her neck and anywhere else we could manage, broadcasting to every man that she was claimed. He wanted to explore the curves of her body, tracing patterns over her and making her skin burn for more. He wanted to feel her head tucked against us, trusting us to care and protect her, allowing us to love her. He wanted it so bad that I was almost short of breath, fighting him back, knowing that no matter how much I'd enjoy all of it, she wasn't ready yet. I was going to be patient with her, sating my needs discreetly with a gentle peck, an arm around her shoulders, or watching her fall asleep. My father taught me to hunt animals when I first shifted and I imagined hunting this woman would show little difference. Her eyes were searching mine expectantly and after a long while, I leaned forward and tucked a fallen strand of her hair behind her ear, murmuring back.

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