The New Recruit

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They pushed themselves inside the wide cabin, "Here.. let me get you something to drink." Berry left and came back with a shot of tequila. "Drink this, you will feel way better." Berry handed it to Chase, "Are you alright Noah?" Kendal asked, he shook his head, crying.

"So Julia isn't really dead... and she is also in charge of all of this." Sherman scoffed, crossing his arms. "I knew that bitch would do something like this." Hayden shot the Wall, "Calm yourself!" Aiden yelled, taking her gun. Noah reached at his side and pulled up something they all recognized...

An aliens gun, they finally had a chance to fight back against these stupid aliens! "We should get their armor.." Berry smirked, looking outside. "Right by the entrance into the woods, that's where our battle was.. we can pluck the armor off and use it for ourselves" Sherman glanced at them, "Is that such a good idea?" He asked, clearly concerned.

Chrystina and Kendal looked at eachother, "We are in!" Kendal said, "Wait what I didn't agree to thi-" "Too bad!" They got ready and left, everyone else followed closely behind.

Every step had to be cautious, breaking one stick could give away their position. It was far too dangerous to be out here after they were attacked. But they needed this armor more than anything right now, they need it to live. It may seem dramatic but really... it wasn't. They could die at any moment.

However, the group has dealt with death. It's just they have worked together for years on end... they found a comfort in eachother. Even Jason and Aiden had gotten along at one point. Before however their lives were cut short. It wasn't fair... the real question was who would be next?

They finally came across the armor on the deceased aliens, they ripped it off and put it on. It was a bit big but did the job. They could study this and win the war for humanity, it was a rush of adrenaline and power in all of em. But before they used this in battle, they needed to see if it would hold up against the blasts.

Chrystina took her arm guard off and placed it on the ground as Noah shot at it. It held up, no dust.. He quickly aimed at her and shot at her chest plate, it deflected off and hit a tree that turned to a brown wooden dust. Relief spread among the teens, knowing that they would be safe.

Aiden smiled, slightly tearing up but wiping away his tears, "men don't cry." He pointed around at his friend's, Chase walked over and patted his back. "It's alright man.. you can cry." "Too kindhearted." Berry giggled, putting their armor on. "It's getting dark, we should head back." Noah warned.

Hayden nodded and grabbed Chrystina, plus a set of armor for Trent. Noah and Aiden walked back together next to Chase and Berry. Everyone was tired and in desperate need of rest, they felt as they would collapse. Just the thought of two years ago, aliens invaded Earth and killed off humanity.

Usually that's the thought to a novel or possibly a movie! But never real life. The thought they could die at one wrong move scared them the most, they watched friends die.

But something weird was.. they never truly saw what the aliens looked like under their armor. Sharp teeth with big white eyes.. blue skin. What was strange was, none of them had any reproduction organs. "Where do these things come from?!" Sherman wondered, shocked.

"We should head back now, with the cover of the night we could be jumped at any moment." Chrystina turned towards the cabin and pulled the face shield down. Berry also following her, "Wait.. I think these have some sort of night vision" They pressed a button, "Now I can see my coordinates?.."

Chase pulled his shield down, "Yeah, this definitely works." He mumbled, looking around. "Wow." Noah laughed. "We are almost back, just dont alarm the aliens and they will think we are one of them." Aiden warned, placing his hand on the blaster.

"We still need to be careful though, when in a fight we can't tell who's one of us and who's not." Kendal sighed, pushing her hair out of her face. "She's right, but I assume we will find that out before our next fight." Hayden reassured.

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