Death Day

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    Trent ran and jumped on Berry, even if he was young- he found out the information one way or another. "Please don't die..." He cried into their shoulder, his long ginger hair covering his eyes. They rubbed his head, "I will be fine, we will all make it back okay." They ruffled his hair, trying not to break down like they did the night before. "I love you bro.." They muttered, a tear slipping from their eye.

      They packed their bag with weapons, food, and water. Strapping the aliens armor on, their handgun in the holster on their right side. "I will see you soon, take care of chief." The visor on their helmet retracted as they kissed him on the forehead. Berry slid out of their room and went by the others getting ready. Their armor clanking as they went by.

        Soon, everyone was downstairs by the door. "Let's fucking do this!" Noah yelled as he dragged Aiden outside. Berry and Hayden were laughing at the two as they also ran out. Kendal and Chase were talking to eachother as they exited the house. Sherman kept guard behind them along with Chrystina. The armor was heavy but at least it protected them, after a 2 hour walk- their legs felt as if they were about to collapse in on themselves.

         Until they noticed a building in the distance, "Guns up! Fire at will!" Berry yelled. "Do not let a stray gunshot give us away!" Hayden added. The group jogged quickly towards the base- spotting an untouched F - 15 Eagle in the garage. The group spilt up and protected Aiden as he entered the building, all of them gathering the MREs. Chase found a few headsets on the ground and threw one into Aidens ship as he caught it. "Testing.. 1, 2, 3." Aiden said. "We hear you Aiden." Sherman answered. "Let's kick some alien ass!" Hayden yelled.

         "Good luck Aiden." Berry said through the mic. "You're clear for liftoff!" Kendal reassured him. Aiden stared at the unfamiliar controls so he followed his gut as he pressed a few random buttons, activating the engine. His hand scanned down the the gear shift, it almost felt natural to him in a way. The plane started moving forwards as his friends scattered out of the way, the plane sped up as he slowly started tilting upwards, going altitude. "Bye bye Aiden!" Hayden said through the mic.

          He heard a sudden beep as his eyes scanned to the radar, "Shit, Aiden two are on your tail! Try to get them to land!" Chrystina screamed through the mic. Two shots were fired past him as he dipped his wing, swerving down at immense speed. Suddenly screams and static were heard blasting into Aidens ears, "What is going on down there?!" He questioned. No one answered- all of them were too busy yelling. He glanced down at his friend's to see a horde of these alien creatures marching towards his friends that looked like ants.

        Aiden knew what he had to do.

     He yanked the gear shift up, the belly of the plane towards the sky, meeting the white eyes of one of the aliens, He shot at them once he gained control as the two quickly fell. Now, time to save his friends. He swerved down and turned towards the horde. One plane regained control and landed carefully as the alien jumped out. Aidens plane that was once soaring in the sky was spinning towards the ground at the aliens. "Get out of the way!" Aiden yelled. His friends obeyed as he watches them circle around.

         His plane slammed into the ground, killing the horde. Quickly footsteps were heard sprinting towards his fallen plane. The smoke rising from the small flames coming from the eagle. A figure appeared, Aiden.. his armor saved his life but he was still horribly injured. Tears streaming down his face, "Stand back now!" He used the rest of his strength to yell, falling to his knees. "Get out of here..." He mumbled in his state. A relatively bigger ship came from above, it's bottom starting to open. "Goodbye, Never thought I would say this but I will miss you." Aiden let out a small chuckle, "No.. No! We are not leaving you like this!" Chrystina attempted to run towards him as Hayden and Noah held her back.

     "I will see you on the other side of the war." Aiden gave them one last classic smile and a small peace sign as a bomb dropped on his plane. "Get down!" Berry yelled as they pushed the three near them down, Kendal and Sherman used eachothers armor for protection and Chase was far enough away to cover himself. The force pushed them back, debris hitting their armor and denting it. Was it true? Was Aiden really gone?! They glanced back at the wreckage that was no longer there, Aiden was dead and all the remained was charred body parts.

      Chrystina cried weakly, all of them were injured. Berry laid on the ground, a piece of metal had stabbed through their visor and stabbed them in the eye as they screamed in pure pain. Haydens thigh was impaled by glass from the ship, Noah was still processing how his stomach had been  shot through as he fell to the ground, "Noah?!" Chrystina pulled herself over to him and realized his wounds, nowhere vital had been hit, that's if he doesn't die from blood loss first.


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