You are Alive?..

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  Kendal swiftly made her way through the woods, being quickly followed by her progresser. Jacob.. he was alive and must've been brainwashed, he was trying to kill her. She turned around and fired at him, but due to her adrenaline and shaking.. she missed.

   She whined in fear as Jacob shot her in the left shoulder, she screamed and continued running. Kendal spotted the cabin far in the distance, she pulled a smoke grenade and quickly spun Jacob around before smoke consumed him. Kendal sprinted towards her home and broke open the door, 'J-Jacob.. He is alive." She panted.

    Everyone looked up at her like they just saw a ghost. "He's what?" Sherman stood up and approached Kendal, his bestfriend was alive? Berry and Hayden glanced at eachother, "How.. we saw him turn to dust!" Chrystina yelled. Noah adjusted himself, a bit surprised, "He must've gotten put back together." He shrugged.

    "Even so.. Wouldn't he have followed you here?" Hayden asked, tilting her head. "I threw a smoke bomb down and spun him! Also I have this wound in my shoulder and would appreciate if you guys helped me.." She fell face first onto the ground. Berry grabbed some medical supplies from the bathroom and walked over to where Hayden and Noah were already kneeling down.

     Hayden took some bandages out and cleaned her wound up with them.  Noah reached and grabbed a sewing kit from the coffee table, sewing her wound shut. Sherman came over and lifted her up, bringing her to bed. He was still thinking about how Jacob was alive somewhere, mostly thinking how. Not that he cares, he is still alive.

     Chrystina began making dinner, processing how Jacob survived when she watched him turn into dust, it was all surreal shocking. Hayden approached and put a hand on her shoulder, "You burnt it!" She jokingly said, trying to lighten the mood. Berry came down, still wondering if Chase could be alive if Julia and Jacob survived.

     They shrugged as they sat down, looking out the window upon the woods surrounding them- protecting them. Snow began to fall since it was winter, covering the ground and trees, replacing the human remains that once floated around. Outside looked peaceful for once, occasionally she saw the common spaceship fly by, scanning for the people they knew were there.

     They would never be spotted though, the cabin was well camouflaged. It was safe as long as they didn't go outside however-

They need to win humanity back.

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