Not Again.

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   Sherman busted through the door of the cabin with Chases journal, "Julia... isn't the only leader to the aliens." He said, out of breath. Noah looked over in his direction, "What do you mean?" He asked. "Bailey- she's with her as well." He admitted, holding the journal up. "You have to be kidding." Hayden stared, "Could this seriously get any worse?" Berry asked, leaning back on the couch.

    Bailey was one of their old friends before she turned around and was bitch. This happened right before the invasion went down, maybe because she was planning everything with Julia. Everything was starting to piece together, Berry quickly headed to Jacob's room to see if they could find any evidence for this.

     They stepped back, looking at his walls. Suddenly- the floor dropped out from under them as they tumbled down steps. Multiple pairs of footsteps were heard approaching the room. "Are you alright?!" Sherman yelled down. "I'm fine! God what is with all these secrets in this cabin?!" Berry used a nearby chair to get up- finally being able to look around. On the right wall there was camera footage of every room in the cabin, the wall ahead had cameras for of what looked like a spaceship.

     Their eye that wasn't injured scanned the camera footage. Berry spotted one screen that had two thrones with Julia and Bailey sitting atop of them. Aliens roaming around like little servants. The group made their way down the stairs, staring confused. "What is that?" Sherman pointed up at another screen, seeing Chase being dragged along by two aliens. "He's alive?" Hayden tilted her head.

      "They are holding him hostage." Berry punched the wall in pure fury, accidentally making a hole to the party room. "Woops.." They stared as they grabbed a bottle of red wine, pulling it out, "Care for a drink?" They awkwardly smiled.  "Isn't is a bit early to be drinking?" Kendal tilted her head. "Well we all need it."  Berry popped the cap open and took a swig, handing it to Chrystina as they examined the cameras.

       One camera in particular was in a lab, Julia had moved from her throne and now stood, looking at the contents in multiple giant tanks. Until they realized what was inside, "What the fuck?!" They stumbled back, finding it unbelievable.

        It held the regenerating bodies of all who died.

         Jason, Aiden, Harrison- the Earth  was all there. I assume when Hayden punched Harrison the aliens were the ones to find him. "This is insane." Sherman looked at the camera, slightly crying tears of joy. This was out of character for him. However they realized once those three got out of those tanks- would they end up how Jacob did? Attacking their friends who had been there for them the entire time.

         "Tomorrow we are using that ship to get up there- I don't want to see them like this." Hayden squinted, trying to hold back tears. Chrystina lifted up Trent since he had finished his training, "Let's put you upstairs, you need rest." She sighed, ruffling his hair before walking up the steps. The others following shortly behind as Kendal and Berry started forming a plan.

       This really would be a trip to save the world. But.. they didn't want the hero title, they didn't want fame. The only thing that they wanted is to be good people, Even if they died while doing it. The Earth was really in their hands now when they have only been on this planet. It was shocking how they survived but others didn't. It was weird... they were technically still children.

        Berry's head slammed down on the black wooden desk, tired. "I say we got it down." Kendal patted their shoulder. She ushered them into bed as they started sobbing, it's become a nightly routine. Although only one though ran through Berry's head.


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