We can fight.

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      Berry held their eye, screaming. Hayden was tending to Noah and Chrystina. Sherman, Chase, and, Kendal sprinted over and assisted the injured teens. Chase plucked the glass out of Berry's eye as Sherman quickly covered it with his handkerchief. Hayden was stopped Noah's bleeding with her bandana before eventually ripping the metal piercing through her leg out.

       All of them looked at her as she screamed. Berry rushed over, pulling the water out of their bag and carefully pouring it into the wound, cleaning it out as she yelped in distress. "Sh sh! It is okay!" Chrystina reassured as she grabbed Haydens hand. Kendal turned towards the landed alien ship as she cautiously entered, blaster in hand. She looked around at the rather big area, weapons on the back wall, two extra armor sets standing in a glass container with a door on it.

       She turned to look at the front of the ship, even though it was a foreign ship, it had many similarities as a plane except there was a relatively bigger button on the top left corner that read, 'Return to Mothership' in their language. Her eyes scanned to the wall closest to the door that had a bunk bed, the bottom bunk slightly larger than the top. Kendals eyes scattered across the big bench that could hold around five people if needed.

        It was perfect, this was their chance to strike back against these foul creatures for what was right. However, people were still out there. Alive. It was up to them to save the world and they were ready to do anything. She waddled back out of the ship, "Guys get in here!" She yelled before taking a step back in. Sherman helped Noah up and brought him over to the ship- laying him in the bed. Berry and Chrystina lifted Hayden up and onto the top bunk. "Sherman, Chase, you two fly this thing while we take care of Noah and Hayden." Berry said, still holding the cloth to their eye.

       "Julia is still alive and I'm going to live just to see her perish." Hayden muttered from the top bunk angrily. It had slipped from all of their minds that Julia was the reason for this. "She deserves whatever happens to her, she betrayed us." Kendal spoke from the bench. Berry pulled some medical supplies from the weaponry and strolled over to Noah, starting to stich his wound. Their mother had trained then since she was a paramedic. They grabbed bandages as Chrystina held Noah up, Berry wrapped his abdomen.

       "Are you alright Noah?" Hayden asked from the top bunk, he answered with an awkward thumbs up. "That's good I think.." Kendal snickered. The ship began to raise off of the ground as it quickly started moving towards home base, the huge wooden cabin. "Prepare for landing." Chase turned his head back towards the group standing behind. Everyone grabbed onto something and held themselves still as the ship shook, landing.

        All of them slowly walked into the house, still being undiscovered by the aliens. "We have three days until we make our attack. Start planning." Chrystina commanded as Noah and Hayden were helped out of the ship. Finally the pain of Aidens death set in as they sat at the dining room table, "At least he went out in a sick way.. we will put it on his tombstone, 'Aiden Rich, went out fighting aliens to save his friends" Sherman lightened the mood.

         Berry glanced up, "Aye if I don't make it out of this battle I want it on mine too!" They yelled. Trent sprinted out of his room and encased Hayden and Berry in a hug. Chief followed, barely being able to stop himself since he was so excited to see them. He licked their hands happily and circled around the table. "Ah hello!" Chase patted Chiefs head as he came around.

          Aidens chair was empty, however it was almost like his soul was still there, laughing along with them. The mood was lighthearted with joy spread around that they were able to make such a big difference to their ability to saving humanity. This was it..

They could finally fight back.

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