The Breakdown

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  Berry skittered along the long narrow halls, even for being a reckless species.. their ship was clean. Most likely Julia's orders. Sherman, Noah, Kendal followed shortly behind. Chrystina was planted next to Haydens side. Berry turned the corner to see a room full of tanks. Gasps came from the four as they nervously stepped in. There it was- humanity as a whole. Although it wasn't how many expected it to happen.

   But suddenly..

  A loud screeching noise echoed throughout the rooms, causing them to all drop in pain. Berry felt a warm liquid drop from their ear, barely managing to open the other eye to see  everyone else in a similar pain, the deep red blood spilling out of their heads until they finally passed out.

  Hayden awoke to see the others still on the ground, cuffed. Aliens pointing blasters to their heads. She scanned back up to the front of the room to see Bailey and Julia peacefully placed on their thrones, Chase standing scarred in the middle with a blaster in his hand- No wait.. that's an actual gun! Berry soon got onto their knees in pain, looking at Hayden then at the sight she previously saw. Kendal opened her eyes, looking at them confused.

    "Hello my old pals! Are you surprised with your surroundings?" Julia smirked, placing her feet on the arm rest, resting her arms behind her head. She was now facing Chase who was shaking, "You recognize them?" Bailey pointed her thumb at Berry. "I do.." He admitted with a shaky voice, his grip tightening on the gun. "You knew what to do, Chase." Julia gave him an evil smirk. He began walking down the stairs to the throne, the others beginning to realize the outfit he was wearing. Full black armor.. with the aliens symbol on the front, An oval with a cross through it. He was one of them. Berry had fully gotten onto their knees and stared up at Chase who was approaching. "I'm sorry Berry." He sniffled, a small tear rolling down his right cheek. The barrel was placed to their forehead, "Chase no.." Berry's eye widened as he placed his finger on the trigger.

   Ever so suddenly an elbow came out from the corner of their eye, Chrystina. Chase was struck and he recoiled the gun back as she disarmed him. "We gotta go, Now!" She busted everyone's cuffs off and began running towards the tank room, it felt as their lungs were about to explode. They heard multiple ships landing outside, they retreated because they know there are no humans left on Earth. "We gotta be quick, everyone ready?!" Berry yelled, taking off towards a panel, draining the tanks and opening them. "We got no time- we have to go now!" Sherman yelled from a platform, Noah waving people who were sprinting may I add, into the escape pods, it's difficult to try and save 8 billion people. "You got the generator Hayden?" Noah screamed through the radio. "Yeah I'm here!" She responded. Kendal was busy trying to fight the aliens away from the people trying to get out, using her armor for protection against the bullets. "Holy shit!" Berry's scream echoed throughout the halls- "What is it?!" Hayden questioned loudly through the radio. "There's just so many of these fucking aliens!" The sounds of blaster fire played.

       Hayden gave one final confirmation, "Everyone off?" She asked- "All good!" Noah reassured, beginning to make his way to the ship they used to escape. Julia appeared behind Hayden and beat her head against the generator, "Stop trying to act as the savior, your friends are leaving without you Hayden." She said between the hits. "Let go of her hair." A voice echoed through the room, Julia's head turned to see Berry aiming a gun straight towards her.

         "Well greetings Berry." Julia muttered, keeping a firm grip on Haydens hair. "I'll shoot your ass." Berry's eyebrows furrowed, their finger taking the safety off. Julia stomped her foot as Chase ran to her side, grabbing his neck and bringing him close to her, as a meat shield. "Shoot me.. and kill him" She teased. Hayden ran back over to Berry, standing tall beside them.

      They took a quick aim- firing.

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