The Final Arrival

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The escape pod came crashing down into the ground the person rolling out since it was destroyed from the explosion. Debris was raining from the sky and the individual was lifted and ushered inside the Belden Village Mall where everyone was smashing in. They were placed on the ground as the armor clanked against it.

"Berry?! Berry get up!" A boy rushed out of the crowd and crashed down next to them. Ben was his name. Sherman, Aiden, Noah, Jason, Jacob, Kendal, Chrystina, Trent, and Chief all emerged after him- staring at the sight. Another person appeared with his black armor still on him, Chase. "Get their armor off!" He screamed as Ben and him both squirmed with the straps, throwing it away as it bounced on the ground.

"Check their pulse." Chase commanded, Ben obliged and placed two fingers to their neck and wrist, "Nothing." He choked out. Everyone watched from the balconies and the ground. One of their saviors are laying lifeless on the ground. "Move." Ben pushed Chase to the side and began pushing on Berry's chest, giving them CPR. "You aren't doing it right." Aiden got on the other side of them and showed Ben the right hand placement and area to push on. "Chest compressions." He sighed.

A gasp appeared from Berry as their eyes widened. Their helmet was still on their face as Chase took it off, staring at the cracked visor. Chrystina looked worried as she tapped her foot, "Where's Hayden?.." She asked. "She.. went down with the ship.." Berry admitted through breaths as they collapsed back on the ground. Ben lifted them onto their knees and then up. A blue haired person also appeared, "She's.. dead?.." They muttered out. It came to Berry who this was


They gave a weak nod. "I'm sorry." Berry spat a bit of blood to the side. Chole wheeled and covered their mouth, running off to the bathroom. "And here it is.. Our last survivor from that ship." Chase announced as the crowd started roaring with applause. A ghostly version of Hayden appeared from a pad in Berry's hand. "This is something recording her triumphs and battles up in space." The ghostly figure began moving and shooting as Berry moved it over to an open area- the hologram widening to the size of a cinema screen.

It showed Hayden with the blaster and a gun in either hand and shooting down the creatures that once roamed their home. Berry sighed and pulled another holopad from their pocket- it doing the same as last time. "And I won't let my friends stories go untold." It showed Sherman handing Berry the gun, A circle view of their ship, Chrystina busting Chase in the face, Julia being shot and killed, when they were in the throne room, when the ringing sound took them down, Kendal ushering the eight billion people to ships, being followed by Sherman and Chrystina, the hug between Chase and Berry, and last but not least, the ship blowing up.

Everyone was teary eyed, as the applause reappeared. The main group appeared next to Berry and engulfed eachother in a group hug, Haydens ghost appeared and joined the group. Finally they were all together...


Berry tripped out of the group and plopped down. "Never forget Haydens name, she was the bravest out of all of us!" Berry screamed, the tears flying off their face as they threw their fist up. "For Hayden!" The crowd exclaimed back. "And we will always love her." Their gaze moved down to Chloe. Berry took out a Polaroid photo and held it up, "This.. This was the last time we were happy! But now we have a chance to change!" The photo showed them during their "Christmas" with the group.

"Never forget our angel, Hayden."

The group started sniffling and crying, hugging eachother yet again. This was the first time they've been together in awhile and they missed it.


"Berry?" An airy voice said from behind them. They immediately spun to see Hayden, "Hi.." Berry shot into her arms and held her tightly but the figure slowly began fading from them, "No.. No come back please! I need you!" Berry squealed, swinging around in the space Hayden once occupied.

"Sissy?" Trent waddled over as Berrh lifted him up, "Hey bud." They hugged him tightly, "Missed you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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