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"Kels it'll be okay. Just talk to him, ask him anything you need to ask him. Make him work for it a little bit." Ruby said as she curled my hair. I changed the plans and we ended up deciding on dinner at a fancy restaurant and I have turned this night into a business meeting so that I don't get emotional. 

"Ruby am I being stupid? Should I make this like an interview rather then couples therapy?" I said. She finished my hair and started on my make up. She curled my hair is big curls and my make up is going to be light and natural. I decided on a white blouse and black short pencil skirt. I'm making this sexy and business like.

"Kels, whatever you have to do to not hurt yourself. He will understand. And he also knows how you work, he's dealt with your wrath. Your weird way of protecting yourself is no worse I promise you. He'll understand Kelsey. If he really loves you he will. Now shut the hell up and let me do your lipstick." Ruby said and I listened. 

I told Jonathan that we were going to meet at the restaurant. It gave me the option of not only a dramatic exit but also if I couldn't handle things then I can leave without having to call a cab. The restaurant was about a half hour drive from my apartment and I was quite thankful since I was beyond nervous. I was listening to my playlist made strictly to calm me down and it wasn't working. Just as Otherside by Macklemore finished I reached the restaurant. I gave the keys to valet and grabbed my ticket and when inside. Do or die Kelsey. 

"Well good evening miss is there something I can help you with?" The hostess said. She was a pretty little blonde about 5'1 with brown eyes. She led to me a table with two chairs and no one occupying either of them. It made me kind of happy that I was there before he was. 

"Well Mrs. Toews, if you want to have a seat I can get you something to drink before Mr. Toews arrives." She said politely. 

"Um Mr. Toews and I aren't married...but yes can I get some mountain dew please?" She looked shocked but nodded with a confused smile and walked away to get my drink. 

"Mrs.Toews? Fits you well Kelsey." Jonathan said smiling down at me before taking his seat across from me. He looked amazing. He was wearing a red shirt with a silver tie and black dress pants. His hair was gelled just the way I like and he had this smile on his face that was infectious. I couldn't help but get major butterflies when I saw him there across the table from me. This was going to be way harder then I thought it would.

"Um, well hi Jonathan. How are you?" Really Kesley?

"I'm doing good Kels, how was Pittsburgh with Sid and Beau?" He asked with a sexy smirk. Jesus Christ he knows what he's doing to me. 

"Uh i-it was g-good." Oh what the fuck?! Don't you act nervous Kelsey. Business meeting. Business meeting.

"Well I'm glad, I missed you regardless. But let's go on with why we're here. You wanted answers from me before you make your decision which is completely understandable. So ask away my love." He said. 

"Well mainly the only thing I need to know is why Jonathan? Why?" I said sadly. It's really upsetting thinking about it now. I love him so much but it broke my heart that he would have sex with someone else just because I had enough respect for Kyle. 

"Well I was upset that you wouldn't just break up with Kyle right then and there when we had sex. I really started to fall for you. Like I realized it that first day when you sprained your ankle. I was so worried about you. I was just really upset that I had to wait to have you all to myself. I went out and got drunk and ran into her at the bar. I don't know what happened but one thing led to another and you were walking in on me having sex with her. It was a stupid mistake. I can't take it back, I know that but I do love you and I hope you forgive me. I really do." I didn't know how to react at first. The look in his eyes just screamed guilty. I honestly do believe that it was a mistake for him to do this but I just need some sort of sign that'll say it won't happen again. 

"Jonathan, I love you. I do but I just need a sign or like proof or something. Just something so I know it's okay to trust you again..." I said truthfully. I want to get back together. Right now. But I need something, anything.

"How about we make a little bet okay? If we clinch a spot tonight against the Canucks you have to give me another chance. Sound fair?" He said with a cocky smirk

"You know what? That sounds like an excellent plan Mr. Toews. You have yourself a deal." I said shaking his hand. I mean hey if they really do end up clinching a spot tonight, it'll be good for everyone. 

"Well Ms. Baker, let's get to our dinner then. I do believe you have to go home and change if you, Ruby and Patrick are going to come to the game. We do only have about 3 hours for you to get ready all over again and we both know how long that takes." He said winking at me. Maybe being back was going to be ten times better then I thought it would.


"So wait are you guys back together?" Ruby asked as she fixed my hair recurling the ends of it. I was going to make sure I looked phenomenal tonight. Not only because me and Jonathan might be getting back together but also because we were going with Patrick and he was sitting with us and everything in the family section by the glass so we were going to be photographed because of us accompanying him. I needed to look good for the cameras, especially since I got caught in Pittsburgh wearing a Crosby jersey and there was a lot of rumors going on that Sid had to tell the media after that next game that we in fact were not a couple. 

"Well if they clinch a spot tonight then yes we are, if not then no we're not. I need something to tell me it'll all be okay. And if me being at this game and they win, especially considering their playing is almost as bad as Detroit's these last couple weeks, it'll mean something. If they lose, then it means nothing is different and it'll end the same way as before." I said reapplying my make up. We had a good half hour before we were going to leave. We always go early for my pregame pictures that I always take. It was even better because I had gotten this really great camera at the mall in Pitts and I loved it so much. 

"Alright Kels, you are all done. Let me get ready and we can go. But do me a huge favor? Can you help Pat get dressed. He refuses help until his buttons are completely wrong and his tie is on the ground." She said laughing and turned on her curling wand to let it heat up.

"Yeah I got you." I said walking into the hall way. "PATRICK TIMOTHY GET YOUR ASS IN MY ROOM ASAP!!" I yelled once I shut the door for Ruby to have peace to get ready. 

"Already in your room Kels." Patrick said as I walked into my room. "You look nice. Someone hopes we clinch a spot tonight." He said with a sly smile on his face. But I mean hey, I did look cute. I was wearing my Toews jersey that he gave the at that first game, a pair of black skinny jeans and my red vans. I just recurled my hair back into the big waves and my make up was more minimal then it was earlier. Only cover up, eyeliner and mascara. Nothing too fancy but still something. 

"Thanks asshole. But let's not talk about me. Were here to help the cripple." I said as I grabbed his dress shirt from the bed. Thankfully he already had his pants and beater on so all I had to do was shirt and tie. 

"Kels, I can do it alone." He said trying to take the shirt from me.

"Pat shut the fuck up." I said as I started to help him get his bad arm through the sleeve. I buttoned the cuff and helped him back into his sling. 

"You didn't have to help Kelsey. I can do this alone I promise." He said pushing his other arm through the other sleeve.

"Pat, I saw the picture the guys took of you trying to put your hawks jacket on alone. Just let me help you." I said as I started to button his shirt. He just nodded reluctantly and let me start on his tie. I know how to tie a tie but I can't do it on someone else. So you can imagine his surprise when I put it on myself and tied it to take it off and slip it on him and tighten it.

"Thanks for helping Kels. I appreciate how understanding you're being." He said giving me a side hug. 

"Hey, I told you about Oregon. I know how hard it can be." Just as I said that Ruby walked into my room all ready. She was wearing her Kane jersey with white skinny jeans and black vans. Also her hair was curled in short curls do to her short hair and she had about the same amount of make up I had on. We had Patrick take a picture of us cause we're basically twinning and we had to capture it and then we were off. Now to see if Jonathan was getting another chance or not fingers crossed.

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