I Wanna Party and Bullshit

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Author's note: So along with this story I'm writing another one as well. "I Hate the Hockey Captain" yeah, I'm utterly obsessed with hockey but I have a lot of great ideas for both stories and I'm excited to share them. Thanks to everyone reading this and voting for it as well. You guys make my day when I see the numbers go up.

We got to Pat and Jon's and the party was already in full swing. Way to wait for the guests of honor right? I'm lying. I love when a party is already started when I get there.

"Hey bitches! Miss me?!?" I yelled walking through the door. 

"Kesley! Ruby!" Brandon yelled over the music coming to give us hugs as everyone cheered. Let's Go by Revenge of the Nerds was blasting through the place and I was ready to dance my happy ass off. Ruby went and found Patrick while I grabbed Brandon and took him to the dance floor. Tonight, I was going to have fun. 

"Damn Kels, Chicago already turned you." Brandon said putting his hands on my waist as I put my arms around his neck grinding with him.

"What can I say B? I've always been a party girl, new city, time to let it out." I said. We danced some more until Brandon excused himself to get us some drinks. Like I said tonight I'm having fun. Brandon came back with our drinks.

"What is it?" I said looking at the cup.

"Something I know you'll love take a sip." He said smiling. I lifted the cup to my mouth and took a small sip my face breaking out into a smile of its own.

"You did not just bring me Rum Chata mixed with Tequila Rose!!" I said taking another sip just a bigger one this time. 

"Kels, I know you well enough to know what you like." He said. We finished off our drinks and made our way back to the dance floor. 

"Can I interrupt you for a dance of my own?" No fucking way!!! It was Alex fucking Wennberg. I mean I knew there would be guys from other teams but I had no idea who was coming!

"Yeah dude no problem as long as it's okay with the lady." Brandon said smiling at me obviously knowing it's 100% okay with me. 

We started dancing as Are We Gonna by The Twentys started playing. I was grinding with Alex when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Jonathan....AWKWARD.

"Hey Kelsey, I wanted to welcome you." He said scratching the back of his neck. Well I'm going to play cool. 

"Thanks Jon. I hope we can be friends again. But I have to go. Me and Alex were kind of in the middle of a dance. Sorry." I said sweetly and I turned back to Alex putting his arms around my waist whipsering how gorgeous I look in my ear. 


"Kels, so are you going to tell me what's up with you and Alex fucking Wennberg or nah??" Ruby said as I sat on the couch of our apartment. It's 3am and we're not remotely tired but all the guys have either flights or practice tomorrow so we had to end the party an hour ago. Lames. 

"Well Ruby, I don't quite know. We exchanged phone numbers and we made out quite a bit tonight. But I'm not really looking for anything serious considering how awkward it was to see let alone talk to Jonathan." I said. Ruby's eyes widened so big when she heard that. She threw her heels by the couch and sat next to me. Yes we're still dressed we took many selfies when we got home. 

"Wait what?! You and Jonathan talked?! What happened???" She asked eagerly.

"Nothing really he said welcome I said I hope we can be friends again and that I had to go back to Alex. I wasn't about to sit there talking to him when I had the sexy Alex Wennberg in front of me now was I?" I said trying to stay calmly. 

"So are you over him?" She asked careful of my feelings.

"I don't think so. It hurt to see him, but all that was running through my head was the image of him with that blonde. Like what am I going to do? Forgive him? No I was going to break up with Kyle for him and he went and fucked some blonde bitch after I told him I would. Like that's not cool. Me and Alex had a great night." Just as I said that I had a text from Alex.

Alex is bae:
Hey beautiful, I was wondering if you wanted to come dancing tomorrow night. I don't have to fly back until the second. Patrick said him and Ruby would come too. 

Hmmm I guess (;

"Well looks like me and you are going to double tomorrow with Pat and Alex. We're going clubbing!" I said eagerly. I just got a new club dress too. The excitement is real. 

"Sounds great. Now let's party some more." Ruby said as she put my phone on the iHome. Que Viva la Vida came on and she just about freaked.

"Damn Kels, I love your music choice." She said as she started to dance to the music. I got up and met her in the middle of the living room dancing, moving my hips when the doorbell rang. What the hell? It's 3:30 in the morning.

"Hey babes!! You really thought all of us were done partying that early!?!" Brandon Saad said entering our apartment with Patrick, Beau Bennett, Sidney Crosby, Brendan and Riley Smith and all the Staal boys. This was about to be one hell of a night. 

"Riley come on please???" I asked sweetly trying to get him to dance with me. We invited a few girls from down the hall that me and Ruby met today when we got here and everyone was dancing and having fun. Everyone except a mr. Riley Smith. 

"Kels, no it's fine. Go have fun." He was being a party pooper. I got closer to him putting my hand on his chest whispering in his ear.

"Will you dance if I give you a kiss?" I asked seductively. I am no where ready to settle down with one guy. Alex knows and respects this. 

"Hmm give me a preview and maybe." He said winking. Just then I closed the space between us and started to kiss him. Once he started to kiss back I pulled back. 

"So is that enough motivation to dance?" I said giving him a seductive smile. Riley is hot. There is no way I will pass up dancing and making out with him let's be honest with ourselves now. I don't care if people think I'm being a slut. I'm not fucking all these guys. I'm having fun as a 20 year old girl in Chicago. I'm going to live my life being young. This is the youngest I'll ever be now, I'm going to enjoy it. 

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