I Can't Believe This

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Today is the day!! My first day being the go to person for THE Chicago Blackhawks. With my history in loving hockey my whole life you can say I was a little excited. My best friends Tiffany and Ruby were excited for me too. Well mostly Ruby, Tiffany kind of hates the Blackhawks considering her love for the Red Wings and the one and only Pavel Datsyuk. But either way nothing was gonna bring me down. I was sitting in the lobby playing Kim Kardashian on my phone while I was talking to Ruby. You see she works here too, it's pretty awesome working with your best friend since the 8th grade if I do say so myself.

"WHAT TIME IS IT RUBY?!?!?" I guess you can say I'm kind of anxious.

"Kelsey calm the hell down, they aren't supposed to be here until later on in the night cause they just finished a game. Not to mention you don't even know who's staying." She's not always this lame I promise.

"Okay, but what if Ruby! be optimistic! What if Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane walk right through that door!?!"

"Kels listen don't disappointed if it's not them. Regardless whoever it is still plays for the Blackhawks."

"Whatever asshole."

I hate when she does that. Usually it's Tiffany who is trying to reign me in making me think realistically. But since Tiffany is out of town visiting her grandma and has like zero service Ruby decided to do the job which if you ask me. Sucks.


"I'M SO FUCKING BORED!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Kelsey! Quit swearing! People still know you work here smart one. And yeah I bet you are bored. It's midnight and you haven't even gone up to your room aside to put your stuff down."

"Listen here missy, I can swear if my heart pleases that is one reason the guest here LOVE me. And what am I gonna do there. Text Tiffany about my excitement. Oh wait! I can't. And I don't need to text you. You're here."

"At least go change. You're technically done with your shift for the day at 11 and you've been sitting in there in a skirt since 8am."

"Fiiiiiine. I guess." I ran upstairs to room 323, my home for the next 2 weeks while I'm doing this little adventure of a job I have. I quickly changed into a crew neck t-shirt from Tiffany's homecoming fundraiser and some yoga shorts. My go to outfit for sitting around bored. When I ran back downstairs I saw Ruby checking in about 4 guys. They were all taller than me, not a surprise at all considering I only stand at 5'3 at 19 years old.

"Oh Kelsey perfect timing. Gentlemen, this is Kelsey she is the employee that will be helping you out while you're here for the next couple weeks."


"Well hello there gentleman. As Ruby already stated I'm Kelsey." Hell yeah keep it cool Kels.

He walked over to me towering over me of course. His brown eyes looking straight into me. I thought I was gonna die right then and there. He gave me the most amazing smile ever. I cannot believe that I kept my cool that welll. I was basically melting just standing there.

"Hi Kelsey, I'm Jonathan. This is Patrick, Corey and Duncan. Very nice to meet you."

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