Malls, Ice Skating and Hospitals

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We all piled into my Jeep Wrangler and started our day with the mall. Of course my scheudle that was agreed upon was outnumbered by the four guys and it was decided we go to the mall and take an early lunch, then go ice skating and have dinner at a local restaurant called Waves. I mean don't get me wrong I was pretty happy considering I love Waves and they agreed to go there if I went with their schedule. 

"Kelsey! Why is it taking soooo long??" Patrick was a little antsy in the back seat if you couldn't tell. 

"Patrick. It's been 10 minutes. It's a 45 minute drive. I apologize." I was getting so annoyed. Jonathan kept changing my radio, Patrick would not shut up about getting there faster and Corey and Duncan were in the back arguing about something stupid. I was at my limit. 

"Kelsey, relax please." Jonathan said as he grabbed the hand that was twirling my hair in irritation. I was freaking out on the inside and not because Jonathan Toews was touching me but because of the feeling I was getting. The second his hand touched mine I felt a spark. I mean I kept trying to make myself believe it was a static shock but in my heart I didn't want it to be. I mean he is gorgeous, he's smart, funny and he knows how to handle himself. He's perfect. 

"Sorry. I'm just getting really annoyed with everything going on, on top of it being Christmas next week its kind of stressful right now." It was true though. On top of everything going on at work right now I had to cancel my Chicago trip to see my family and on top of it Christmas is a week away and I haven't even begun to buy people Christmas presents. So that's why this mall trip was highly appreciated. But on the upside Jonathan quieted everyone down so that I can just concentrate on driving thankfully.

(At the mall)

"Kelsey! I do not want to go to Victoria Secret! Please don't make me!!" "Kelsey come on no!!" "Um no not happening." Are the reactions I got from Corey, Duncan and Jonathan when I said I needed to go to Victoria Secret. Patrick on the other hand said we can as long as I let him buy me 7 for $26 of his choice of underwear no arguments.

"Come on guys please! I'll let you guys pick out my underwear." And with that they all ran into Victoria Secret. Patrick was off on his own getting the 7 he wants to get me and Jonathan, Corey and Duncan were fighting over who got to pick 3 since they each got to pick 2 with one left to make 7. I tried saying I'll pick one but they wouldn't let me. But in their defense I didn't even think it would work to get them in here so might as well let them hash it out as long as I got my underwear. 

Finally at 2pm I am able to sit down and eat lunch. We got here at 12 and this is the first time they are letting me sit down. I am exhausted. Those boys ran me all over this mall thank god were going skating after this I am not okay with this nonsense. Jonathan insisted on paying for my lunch so I currently have no purse since it's in Patrick's hands to keep away from me. This is what my life has come to. Patrick Kane playing keep away with my purse because Jonathan Toews told him to. Well, I have a pretty interesting life. 

"So guys no one exactly told me. Why are you guys here for 2 weeks?" It was true. I mean 4 of the most important Blackhawk players were in Michigan during their season. It was awesome don't get me wrong. But it was weird. 

"Well Patty here wanted to visit Detroit and actually be tourists, but we also have a game against Detroit for some charity event coming up. So the 23rd we go back to Chicago for the game but we come right back." Jonathan answered. 

"Okay well what about practices? Aren't you missing them?" I'm so confused.

"Actually we were going to talk to you about that over dinner later but I guess now is good. We're gonna practice at the Joe every other day that were here except the day of our game of course but we wanted you there while we practice considering you know the area and also the Wings can be big assholes sometimes so a female Wings fan around would really help out." Corey said. 

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