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"Kelsey, how do you explain the fact your music can go from The Weeknd to A Day to Remember?" Petr said from the back seat of my Jeep. We were currently driving to Troy, Michigan in order to meet fucker number one.

"Okay should I call Justin and tell him where to meet me. He thinks it'll just be me so that's a thing but I mean even if it is him he deserves to meet you guys. I wanted it to be a surprise that you're there. He's an all around good guy." I said truthfully. Any guy who buys me a $20 beanie just because we met in real life after being friends on twitter and it being my birthday is a good guy.

"Kelsey, you're a really great girl you know that?" Gus said smiling at me. He's honestly an amazing friend. It makes me beyond excited that I am legitimately friends with Petr and Gus they're amazing guys. Not to mention that they are among my top favorite hockey players.

"Well thank you. I appreciate it. and to your earlier question Petr i have a variety of moods and emotions so I have a variety of music." I said. I pulled up to the hotel we decided to stay at for tonight before our adventure tomorrow.

"Welcome back Kelsey!" Michelle said running over to hug me. So I hated her, but one thing I did learn was that she isn't all that bad. Not when you don't work with her.

"Thanks Michelle. Alright so how many rooms do we have exactly?" I asked walking up to the desk as she ran back around to get to business. The exciting part was that they were giving me the rooms for free which is pretty awesome.

"Well you picked a shitty time to come Kels. We have hockey fights cancer so we could only give you one room. It's a handicap double." She told me.

"Uh well that's fine. Me and Ruby can share a bed but you two..." I said turning to the guys as Michelle checked us in.

"It's okay we'll figure it out. Don't worry Kelsey. We don't need more stress on you." Petr said.

"Alright wonderful. Now let's get you guys upstairs before you get recognized and someone freaks out blowing our cover." I said grabbing the keys and my bag. We had a room on the first floor thankfully and it was away from the hockey teams. I was the one who planned this whole hockey weekend in January before I left. This is my favorite time of year.

"So hockey fights cancer?" Gus said as me and him went out to the car to move it closer to the room.

"Yeah. A bunch of kids different ages here to play for the tournament. It's actually pretty amazing. If it weren't the playoffs I'd stay all weekend and maybe work so I can experience it again. The kids are great." I said. We got to door number three which was the door closest to our room.

"Okay so we'll see Justin first obviously since he's only about 10 minutes away and then we'll be off to our mini road trip to Grand Rapids which is 2 hours away and then another 3 hours back to Chicago." I said walking out of the bathroom putting my hair in a pony tail and grabbing my laptop.

"Sounds like a pretty good day. But can we please fuck around in Grand Rapids for a couple hours? I haven't been there since I got moved up to the Wings and I miss it and all of the guys to be honest." Gus said while Petr sat and nodded his head agreeing.

"Hey well the griffins don't have a game at all tomorrow and they play home on the 23rd so why don't we go crash their practice and you guys can go say hi?" I said. Truthfully I just want to meet the griffins and this is the best way to kill 2 birds with one stone.

"That actually sounds like a phenomenal idea Kelsey." Petr said grabbing his phone to call the coach.

"Plus I need to talk major shit to Larken. He's from U of M and it's just a given for me to hate on him until he's been here for a little longer." I said and Ruby started laughing because she knew my hate for U of M.

"Okay so the coach is perfectly fine with it but he said he isn't responsible for any shit talking to you two since you are dating are dating Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews." Petr said smirking. I threw a pillow at him.

"Okay so since it's quite late I do say I'm going to bed if I have to be up at 8:00 so I can go work out, shower and then go see my mom and eat at 9:30. So if you would like to join me you can but if not I'll be back up here to leave with all of you." I said turning the light off and getting back into bed.

"I'll definitely come work out." Petr said. Gus agreed.

"I'll definitely meet you at breakfast at 9:30 I miss your mom but I'm not about to work out." Ruby said. Tomorrow was going to be interesting as hell.

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