Homeward Bound

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We got into Detroit at about 5pm. We have exactly 2 hours to be at Joe Louis and sitting in our seats for this game. I am so beyond hype it's ridiculous.

"Kelsey, can you please explain what's happening and why you came home randomly for one night?" My mom asked as I went into my old bedroom. My mom had turned it into a guest bedroom was good for me.

"Mom it's a long and stupid story that you're going to think me and Ruby shouldn't even be wasting our time with. There's no point in explaining. I promise you it's not bad." I said throwing my duffle bag on the bed. My mom was the sweetest woman ever but she was also the most honest so if she thinks something's stupid she won't hesitate to tell you.

"Alright sweetie just tell me if you need anything." She said as she walked out of my room. It was still weird seeing this room without all of my posters and everything on the walls.

"Alright let's get ready." I said pulling out my hair curler.

We finally finished getting ready at 6pm. I was wearing my Nyquist jersey, white skinny jeans and my red vans on. I did my make up light with white and silver smokey eye and red lipstick on. Ruby was wearing her Zetterberg jersey with make up similar to mine minus the lipstick and she's wearing black yogas and red Nike Rosches. I must say we look hot as hell. As always.

"I'm so excited to be back! Oh my god!" I said jumping around like a little girl. United Center was great and all but Joe Louis is my home and I missed it so much.

"Kelsey, relax. You look like you've never been here before. We've been coming to games for years." Ruby said grabbing my arm laughing.

"Listen, when you're separated from Joe Louis for more then 2 weeks it becomes unbearable. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love spending so much time at the United Center but Joe is where the heart is." I said leading her to our seats. Petr had gotten us phenomenal seats in the friends and family section right by the glass. I've never been this close before so it's basically the best day of my entire life.

"Hey you're Kelsey Baker right?" I heard from the Red Wings bench. I turned to look who it was and it was none other then Justin Abdelkader.

"Um, oh my God. You're Justin Abdelkader. Wait how do you know my name?" I said. No one understands how hard it was for me not to freak the fuck out right now.

"I've heard a lot about you. Ya know Cabbie loves you and not to mention you are a Wings fan dating the captain of the Blackhawks. Word gets around the hockey universe about something like that." He said laughing. OH MY GOD JUSTIN ABDELKADER KNOWS WHO I AM!!!

"Um yeah I guess I can see that. Listen I can't really contain this anymore I'm freaking the hell out right now. You're one of my favorite players!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"How about this, Petr told us about how you're going to come by and talk to him after the game. I'll personally bring you in the locker room to see him later and we can take a picture and you can meet the rest of the guys." Justin said as he went to skate away. I nodded excitedly.

"Wait. Is this real life?" I said freaking out.


"Oh my god this is real." I said trying not to cry. This was about to be a phenomenal game.


It was the third period with 6:25 left of the third period and the Wings were down 3-2. I have faith in my boys though. Tatar had both of our goals skillfully and Mrazek was making some beautiful saves tonight. Let's just hope they can use the clock to their advantage and tie this game up.

"I hate that we don't have shoot outs in the playoffs to be honest." Ruby said as she handed me my nachos.

"I don't know how I feel about it. I can breath a little easier but overtime gets just as bad." I said scarfing down some of them. I won't be able to handle game 7. I just won't. Tampa got another one...fuck....


"Kels, relax..." Ruby said trying to contain her anger.


"Kels, he'll still help us..don't worry.." She said reading my mind.

"I really hope so Ruby..he called us good luck charms." I said sadly.

"Kels, it is not our fault that the team isn't playing like they should be. Petr is doing phenomenal tonight." She said holding my hand. Hockey is my entire life. It's the one thing that can alter my entire mood. No one understands how hurt I am when my teams lose. With on minute left this game was becoming hopeless to win. Game 7 will definitely and I mean definitely give me a heart attack. 5-2... What. The. Actual. Fuck.

The guys were passing me and Ruby by going back to the locker room and I just couldn't look. I was so hurt right now. Game 7...what the fuck...

"Hey Kelsey and Ruby right?" I heard someone say. I just lifted my hand and waved. I was not going to look up right now.

"Oh hey Petr. I'm Ruby. The depressed one right here is Kelsey. She doesn't handle Red Wings losses well." She said introducing us. Now I definitely wasn't going to look up. Mrazek was standing right there looking up at us.

"Abby was telling me how you guys are going to meet me in the locker room to talk. Just wait like 15 minutes and he'll come get you from here. Oh and by the way Kelsey. I wouldn't have saved that goal if it weren't for the well known hockey good luck charms. Thanks." He was smiling when I looked up at him. Well, Petr Mrazek you can amaze me off of the ice as well I guess.

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