Date Night

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We were back to the hotel and I was freaking out. First I couldn't find my dress, then one heel was missing and now my hair curler is missing. I swear someone is messing with me. Ruby and me have been searching for this hair curler for about 20 minutes now. 5 more minutes and I quit, my hair is gonna stay straight.

"FOUND IT!!" Ruby yelled. She ran back into my room with the curling iron. This is great! 

"Where was it?!?!" Seriously though..she found it outside of my room...

"You'll never guess! It was in Jonathan and Patrick's room. Under Patrick's pillow. I snuck in there while they're taking a nap." She said suspiciously. 

"Ugh. I'll deal with them later. Let's get started." And so we did. After a good hour I was finally done getting ready. I was wearing a tight black dress, the straps came to a cross on my back like an x and it came down to about mid-thigh. With it I wore nude wedges that had crossing straps in the front and zipped up in the back. My hair was in big curls hanging down and my make up was natural except around my eye where we did a smokey eye in blacks and silvers. I looked hot if I do say so myself to be honest. It was 8:50 when I was finally done getting ready. Me and Ruby went downstairs and took some selfies before my date with Kyle. 

"Oh my god Kelsey! You look great!" Wow..Michelle was being nice.

"Thanks Michelle." This is weird.

"Why don't you try everyday, you look cute when you actually try to." I knew it was too good to be true.

"I think she look absolutely stunning everyday. Just exceptionally stunning tonight." Said Kyle as he walked in the door looking at me up and down not remotely hiding the fact he's checking me out.

"Aww well thank you Mr. Kyle." He is so cute oh my god.

"Well shall we go Ms. Kelsey? Reservations for dinner are at about 9:30 and it takes about 20 minutes to drive there. But it's definitely worth the drive." Dinner reservations 20 minutes away? I could definitely get used to this. We got into the car and just listened to the radio and talked endlessly about basically everything there is to talk about. We got to the restaurant and when we walked inside I was instantly taken back. It was gorgeous. Dim lighting and candles to make it romantic, quiet separate booths for privacy, gorgeous flowers everywhere and every one was just quietly talking to their dates/husbands/wives while sipping on wine. It was simply perfect in every way. 

"Table for 2 under Kyle Quincey." Kyle said to the hostess.

"Ah yes Mr. Quincey, how are you? Great game last night by the way. Tough loss but you played great." The hostess said while honestly just flirting with him. Uh this wasn't the best start to the date to be honest. 

"Thank you. Now if you don't mind, me and my beautiful date here would like some privacy. Also could you send some wine to our table? White or red Kelsey?" Wine? And making it obvious to this hostess that he's on a date? He is perfect. 

"White please." I said smiling politely at her. Okay maybe no as polite as I should have but hey, she's flirting with my date right in front of me. That's not cool. Dinner after that was great. The wine was amazing, the food was delicious and me and Kyle just connected great. I loved it. It's not every day you get spoiled to a fancy restaurant with a gorgeous hockey star. 

"Alright Ms. Kelsey, since all is done it's time for our second half of this wonderful evening." Oh yeah. The surprise half of the date.

"Yeah what exactly is that half?" I asked as we walked out of the restaurant right passed his car toward the sidewalk. I was kind of confused at this point. That is until I saw one of those horse drawn carriages with the driver holding up a sign saying 'Quincey' 

"Oh my god, Kyle! You didn't have to do this!" This was any girls dream come true.

"Well, I would've suggest ice skating instead from the things Duncan told me when he was helping me out. But your little issue with crutches kind of killed that idea. Maybe later down the road we can go ice skating." Later down the road? He wanted to date more?!?!? GOD YES!

We took a little trip around downtown Detroit. People always thought it was so bad here but honestly it's beautiful. You just have to dig a little deeper in the town to see it. We just sat for about an hour on our ride just laughing and talking. He's just great honestly. He makes me laugh, he's cute, sweet, and just an all around great guy. I could definitely and I mean definitely get used to this. After our carriage ride we decided to call it a night considering it was already 11pm and I had a drive to do to Chicago in the morning. He drove me back to the hotel and walked me in. As we walked in some of the younger guests noticed who he was and asked for autographs and pictures. I even heard one little boy say his girlfriend was pretty, talking about me. It made me blush like crazy. First this cute little boy called me pretty second, he thought I was Kyle's girlfriend. I wish. We finally got to my room and we went to go say goodbye. 

"Well thank you for such an amazing night. And thank you for being patient with me on these crutches." I said a little embarrassed at my current situation with them.

"Oh no problem. If anything having those to slow things down was great. I got to spend more time with you. Maybe we can do this again when you come back from Chicago sometime?" YESSSS!!!

"Sadly it's going to have to wait till after my job here is done with the guys. It was hard enough getting away tonight. But I promise once they leave, just tell me the time and place. I'll be there." I said. Truthfully it sucked saying. Here's a great guy who wants to go on another date and my job is stopping me. That sucks. He smiled and nodded at what I said and as I went to turn around to unlock my door I turned back around to say goodnight and he was right there. He leaned in just a little bit closing the small space between us giving me just a small, innocent kiss and he walked away but not before turning when he reached the elevator to say goodnight and he'll text me in the morning. That's it. This night was the best night of my entire life. Hands down.

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