Game 6.

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"Ruby! Come on please! It's game 6." I said whining. Ruby was refusing to come to the game with me tonight which was bullshit if you asked me.

"Kelsey. I am not ready to see him let alone hear his name 500 times." She said stomping her foot on the ground. Okay so we're acting like kids. I don't care.

"But they won't. They'll say showtime." I said with a sheepish smile. "Okay listen, I'll make you a deal. We'll take your car, if you get too uncomfortable and decide that you want to go home you can and I'll ride with Jonathan." I finally said.

"At anytime I want? No complaints from you?" She said looking at me suspiciously. I nodded eagerly. This was it. If they win the game tonight Patrick is going to propose. That's why he's been so stressed lately. He didn't know how the games were going to go or anything. But he's calming down and I had a serious talk with him after game 5 about taking his bad mood out on her. They need to win to make all of this happen though if not. It's plan B. Yes him proposing is plan A but I did write him the perfect thing to say. We worked on it all day yesterday at his place of course not mine. But yes I wrote them, why? Cause Patrick is a guy who sucks with words like most men. My outfit consisted of yoga pants, my Toews home jersey and Nike slides. I wasn't getting all dolled up this time. I wore my Blackhawks Western Conference Champion 2013 hat tonight too.

We got to to the United Center and I was hype as fuck. My boys got this tonight. I know they do. We got to our seats just as warms up started. I looked out to the ice and saw Patrick look up straight at Ruby with a sad look on his face. He looked at me and I nodded.

"Ruby, I need to ask you something..." I said turning to her. She was looking out at the ice as well but her eyes were fixed on Patrick.

"Yeah Kels?" She said not taking her eyes off of him.

"I need you to stay this whole game with me...I need you to...It's my dad. He's sick again. I need my best friend and a distraction.." It wasn't a lie. My dad was sick again. But I wasn't heartbroken over it. I'm used to it. Ruby looked at me with an understanding look and nodded her head and hugged me.That's the thing about Ruby, she's been there with me since day one of my dad being in the hospital. She knew that that no matter what if I needed her I really needed her and she'd put anything to the side whether it be her ex boyfriend's birthday party or seeing her recent ex at a game and having to suffer through it, she would do it for me if I need her and I love her to death for that.

The game started and so far everyone was scoreless in the first period which terrified me. Both team's defense was up tonight. Corey wasn't letting anything get passed him and it made me proud as fuck. At the end of the first period me and Ruby decided to go to the concession stands and bathroom. I told her I was going to the bathroom at least but I wasn't.

"OKAY BITCHES LISTEN UP!" I yelled as I barged into the Blackhawks locker room. "I got Ruby to agree to stay the whole game so you better not blow this game and not just for that reason alone. This is game 6. Let that hit you for a minute. You need to fucking win this game!!! I refuse to let you guys blow this okay? Patrick. If I don't see at least one goal from you tonight, I will personally hurt you! Hossa, I swear on everything that is Holy you go out there and prove why you're the fucking DEMI-GOD!! I am not going to made out to look stupid cheering for a team and getting into a fight with some 40 year old man for a team that's going to lose game 6 am I understood???" I said. Okay so it wasn't a motivational speech but hey they don't need motivation. They need fear.

"Well I think Kelsey said it best guys. Jonathan, I see why you are with her but I don't know how you do it." Q said.

"Well frankly I'm terrified of my 5'3 girlfriend." Jonathan said smiling.

"Alright bitches, I'm out Ruby thinks I'm peeing. BYEEEE." I said leaving. I heard the guys laughing once I left. I know how my boys work and they all know I'm serious.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M FUCKING TALKING ABOUT BABY!!" I yelled. When I say the guys came to play in the second period I mean it. 8 and a half minutes in Saad got a goal with the assists from Kaner and Keith.

"Kelsey. You went and talked to them didn't you?" Ruby said turning to me smiling.

"How did you know?" I asked confused as hell.

"Saad looked right at you at that goal and winked at you. I know that look. You yelled at all of them didn't you?" She asked smiling.

"Well! What else was I supposed to do. They were fucking up and weren't taking scoring chances. It was pissing me off." I said laughing.

"Just tell me how did you walk in there. I know you made your presence known before they could see you." She asked.

"I may or may not have barged in there yelling 'okay bitches listen up'...." I said looking at her. Ruby didn't even say anything all I heard from her was pure laughter. Then came the goal made by none other but the Demi-God. He had assists from Keith and Richards. Not even 2 minutes later Kaner got a goal. I looked over at Ruby who was smiling. She's still in love with him so much. 2 minutes later Maroon put the Ducks on the board, he had the assists from Fowler and Vatanen. It's okay it's 3-1 and we're doing good tonight. My boys have this game locked. I was confident until Stoner got a goal in the beginning of the third period making it 3-2...No, no, the guys still got it. The third period was coming close to an end it was 16 and a half minutes into the third and Shawzy got the 4th goal bringing us up 2 points with the help of Desjardins and Vermy and yet again a goal from Shawzy with the help of Desjardins and Kruger bringing it to 5-2 and winning game 6! Me and Ruby jumped up and cheered. As we jumped up I thew my hat at Patrick and he asked for the mic from Pierre Mcguire who happily handed it over.

"Alright so first I want to thank everyone who's here to support us but there's something very important I need to say so if everyone can quiet down." He said. Ruby looked at me confused as hell and I nodded to Jonathan who started the flipagram we made for them on the jumbo screen.

"Ruby, I am in love with you. Since the first day that I saw you at the hotel you worked at. You are the most perfect woman I have ever met. You are beautiful inside and out. I've never met a girl who loves hockey like I do. You're the only girl I have met who will full on make me sleep on the couch over the fact I didn't take a shot I should've or I didn't punch someone in the face that deserved it. Frankly I'm just purely in love with you. I love the way you get into drawing and how passionate you are with your painting, I love how when you're cooking you HAVE to listen to music or else you'll mess up the recipe. But most importantly I love how you can forgive and put up with an inconsiderate and pissy asshole like me and if you'll let me I'd love to make it up to you and not just now, but for the rest of our lives. Ruby, will you marry me?" He said. I turned to look at Ruby and she was crying. Cabbie showed up next to us with his mic in hand all of this on camera of course.

"So Ruby, what do you say to the kid?" He asked. She took the mic from him, took a deep breath to try and calm herself down from the tears.

"Patrick, I love you so much. YES!!!" She squealed. Okay so I definitely started crying. I gave her a huge hug, and squealed with her. My best friend was getting married!!!!

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