Fuck It. Let's go.

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I woke up to my ring tone blaring in my ear at 9 in the morning. Who the fuck would think to call me this early in the morning when I was partying all night. I mean surely everyone knows that I was. I was all over not only my snapchat but everyone.

"Hello?" I said groggily. 

"What the fuck Kelsey!??! Riley?! Really?!" I heard and angry Jonathan screaming in my ear. Well this doesn't help the hang over or the irritation.

"Oh hey Jonathan, I think you forgot the part where it's none of your business. How do you know anyway?" I mean I don't care but I need to thank whoever did it cause hearing him so mad is hilarious.

"Fucking Patrick had you two dancing and kissing on his snapchat story!! So I'd like an explanation and I'd like one now." He demanded.

"You're so funny. You think you have room to say anything about me and Riley. Wanna know something? I'm going on a date with him next week. Oh and I'm going out with Alex tonight. But guess what, it's none f your business and there's nothing you can do about it. So I'm going to say this one time Jonathan. You fucked up with me okay? You lost me and to say the least I know I'm a good girlfriend and for what? To fuck some random blonde. BUT WAIT! She wasn't random. She was your ex girlfriend, yeah I know all about you and her Jonathan. So before I completely and utterly tell you off I'm going to mature about it and keep my mouth shut. Goodbye Jonathan." I said and I hung up. There is no way I'm going to let him of all people ruin anything. Especially to make my hang over worse. 

"KELSEY!!!! 911 SOS EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Ruby screaming once I had fallen back asleep. So naturally when someone yells stuff like that you get beyond worried. I ran into her room in my sports bra and soffee shorts on freaking out. I didn't even give myself time to put on my glasses.

"KELSEY!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO KILL WHOEVER DID THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!" She is furious... I walked into the living room to see that my picture frames were all smashed and the picture of me and Patrick when he came for my birthday written on over our faces.

"'Watch it next time you fuck me over bitch.' Craig. It was him." I said calmly. My ex Craig and I broke up months ago. He has cheated on me and when I found out I broke up with him instantly, I don't do cheating. Well he didn't agree with my decision and he punched me, after that he had destroyed plenty of my personal items. Trashed my bedroom, slit the tires of my car, broke my laptop and even resorted to breaking my only pair of glasses at the time, it was terrible and this has his name written all over it. 

"Why does is he still breathing!?! I swear when I find him I am going to cut off whatever dick he claims to have and make him choke on it!!" Ruby said. She hates Craig for obvious reasons, the first time that he broke anything of mine she went to his house personally and punched him in the face leaving a black eye and broken nose. 

"No it's okay. Let's just get an alarm system, new locks and I'll let the police know. It'll be okay." I said. I don't know if it will be. 

"I'm here I'm here! What's wrong!? What the fuck happened?!?" Patrick yelled barging through the door. I couldn't help but smile at how worried he was.

"Babe it's okay, no one's hurt. Kelsey's jerk of an ex just ruined some of her stuff again." She said as calm as she could. She despises Craig more then anyone, even me.

"Whoa again?" He asked. So Ruby went into the whole story of mine and Craig's relationship. I was not up for reliving it so instead I decided to go take a shower and get rid of not only this hang over but try my best and wash away the feeling of venerability. I walked out in my towel and made my way to the kitchen to get a water bottle when I saw 3 heads sitting on the couches. 

"Sid what are you still doing here? You guys have a game tonight do you not?" The all-star game had just gone by and Sidney Crosby couldn't play because he had gotten hurt. Jonathan's team, being the away team, had won.

"Well I'm still out for one more game so I thought why not stay in Chicago and hang out with my favorite puck bunny." He said with a smile on his face. They all called my puck bunny because all of them have flirted with me at one time and I knew who everyone was and what team they were on before I had met any of them because of my obsession with hockey. 

"Well we're going to go out for the day. Kels, I called Alex and canceled for tonight. I know you'll want to just relax after waking up to this. I'm going to get you some new picture frames while I'm out okay? Sid promised he wouldn't leave your side today and he'll be your knight in shining armor." Ruby said coming to give me a hug. Her and Patrick left and I turned to Sid.

"Well what do you want to do today.." I said awkwardly holding my towel over my body.

"I mean there's stuff we can do that involve the removal of that towel but you kissed my boy Riley last night. He officially has dibs on you. So how about we cuddle and watch Netflix?" He said coming and putting an arm around my shoulders. I nodded liking the sound of that and went and changed.


"Kels, wake up. I have to go." I woke up to Sid shaking me gently to wake me up. I have no idea what time it was or how long I was sleeping. 

"Sid, shut up and cuddle me!" I said pulling his arm over my shoulders. I'm really needy when I have a hang over.

"Kels, my flight leaves in an hour. I need to go." He said laughing. 

"Ugh! Don't go. You're not a jackass and you cuddle me." I said finally putting my glasses on so I can actually see his face. 

"Hey Kels, how are you feeling be honest?" He asked...this isn't going to end well....

"Honestly? I feel terrible. I really liked him Sid. We fucking had sex!! But what did he do? He fucked that slutty blonde ex of his. Like are you fucking kidding me?!?! You want to get all pissed at me for not breaking up with someone over a text because I'm not a heartless piece of shit but you want to go and fuck your ex the second I upset you?!!? Like no!!" UGH. I haven't fully ranted about him. I just played it all off like I didn't care. 

"Kelsey. Come with me." I couldn't even form words at this point. He wants me to come with him? What? Pittsburgh. What's there for me? I just moved here..


"No! Kels, I mean for the week. I wouldn't ask you to move with me. We're not even dating relax. But come with me this week and come to my games and just be on a vacation you won't walk in on your boyfriend fucking his ex." That doesn't sound half bad to be honest. To be completely away from Jonathan for a week and just everyone actually? Fuck it.

"Alright let's do it. Let's go to Pittsburgh."

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