Practice Makes Perfect

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It was about 4 am and the guys still refused to leave my room. This was starting to get ridiculous. I mean sure it was sweet that they cared so much but I'm not a 6 year old. I know how to take care of myself. Corey was asleep on one of the couches and Duncan was sleeping on the floor by him. Jonathan and Patrick were playing Call of Duty. I sat next to them on the couch playing hockey on my phone. I was getting really tired and I just wanted to lay down and go to bed. But it would be rude to just let the guys sit awake while I slept away in my comfy room. I decided to walk down and see Ruby for a little bit. It was her last night here and it made me upset honestly. What am I supposed to do without my best friend. She's going to New York for a few weeks but still I'll miss her nonetheless. I had my headphones in listening to my Disney playlist. Hell yeah I have a Disney playlist. I just kept on thinking about how cute Jonathan looked when he would kill someone or his team would win. I wish there was a way I could possibly make it work between us. That would honestly be so perfect you don't even know. 

"Earth to Kelsey???" Patrick was waving his hand in front of my face. How did I not notice that he had taken out my earbuds.

"Uh yeah, what's up?" This is awkward. I had no idea him and Jonathan had come with me to see Ruby. But here I am in the elevator with the two of them looking at me like I was an idiot. Great job Kelsey.

"Are you okay? You seem kind of out of it. Are you in any type of pain or anything?" Jonathan asked seeming quite worried if I do say so myself.

"No, no, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind. Hey don't you guys have to practice today since you have a game on the 23rd?" It was true. They had a home game against the Jets on the 23rd so later today is supposed to be spent practicing and then the morning of the 23rd they're going to drive to Chicago.

"Yeah but you're awake. Oh speaking of the game. Will you and Ruby come???" Patrick asked. It honestly took me by surprise. I mean sure me and the guys were getting along great but I wouldn't have guessed they actually saw me like a friend. I mean come on, they're a bunch of famous hockey players. Why would they want to be friends with a non-famous girl from Detroit of all the places. But it made me happy they actually wanted me at the game.

"Yeah definitely we can talk to Ruby about it right now." As if on que when I said that the doors to the elevators opened up revealing the lobby. We walked over to Ruby and I went in the back to do some paperwork that was part of this whole ordeal and sat on the chair while Ruby brought me another chair and pillow to put my leg up. They guys started talking to Ruby about everything, she of course agreed. This is why I loved her. She was really easy going, she would say yes to just about everything, especially leaving Michigan. We both hated it here, it was a goal to move to Chicago and rent a little apartment together.

"Ruby! We are finally going to a Blackhawks game!!" I was so excited.

"Also, my darlings, we will get you guys nothing but the best. The best seats, passes to see us in the locker room after and autographs and pictures of everyone." Patrick was just as excited as I was I swear. 

"Patrick, don't forget the best part. Coach Q is even allowing you girls to come on the ice with us while we practice." My heart sunk. My dream has always been to skate on the Blackhawks ice. My smile instantly vanished. 

"Kelsey....I'm so sorry.."Jonathan said.

"No! No, don't be. Ruby if you don't skate with them I'll personally cut you." It was true. She needs to live this dream for me. 

"Kels, I can't even skate." She said.

"No one better to teach you then the Chicago Blackhawks." I said as a matter of fact. Me and the boys finally went upstairs to go to bed. Patrick slept on the couch in the living room and Jonathan insisted on sleeping on the floor in my room. I felt terrible that the guys couldn't just sleep in a bed. But they refused to go to their rooms and insisted. I was so excited to go to the game later on. I haven't been to Chicago in years. This was going to be completely awesome.

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