Western Conference Finals

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Today's the day. Gustav Nyquist is on his way to come stay with us in Chicago. I am going to be hosting my favorite Red Wings player and I have to try and act natural. What the actual fuck is natural!!??!?!?

"Kels, the guys just texted me and said they met up with Goose at the rink. Why they had to meet there I have no idea but what the fuck ever." Ruby said.

"I really don't see why they insisted on meeting somewhere they play but boys will be boys. I texted Jonathan and told him that we'll just meet up with them at the game. Petr is already over there. So we have about an hour before we have to go so let's get ready I guess." I said. The guys won against the Wild and made it into the Western Conference Finals. It was pretty awesome because they swept the Wild but thankfully to that they also had a good week or two off of games and it was amazing to actually have my boyfriend around and actually going on dates.

"Alright let's go." Ruby said grabbing her keys. I wore my Toews home jersey and paired it with white skinny jeans and my black vans. I didn't put on any make up and my hair was straight and I was wearing my blackhawks baseball cap. Today was going to be a chill outfit day.

"Okay so nachos and Mountain Dew. Go find the seats, I'll get the food." Ruby said. We do this every single game we come to. Why we repeatedly decide to announce this to each other. But this time was different. This time I was walking by myself to go meet up with Petr Mrazek and Gustav Nyquist. I got to my seat to see no one else there yet. I mean that's not really a surprise. Me and Ruby like to come awfully early.

"Kels!" I heard someone say. I turned around to see who it was that called me only to be met with the eyes of the one and only Gustav Nyquist, offensive player for the Detroit Red Wings and my favorite Red Wing.

"Oh hey Petr. I'm Kelsey." I said as I went to go shake Gus' hand. Holy shit....

"Kelsey, great to see you again and to actually meet you instead of just trash talking you while we played NHL. I'm Gustav. Just call me Goose." He said shaking my hand.

"Hey Kels, I got you extra cheese and no ice just like you like it." Ruby said absentmindedly talking about my food.

"Ruby, this is Goose. Goose this is my best friend Ruby." I said grabbing my food from her and sitting back down trying not to freak out. This is worse then when I first met Jonathan and the guys. It's weird to see how far my life has gone since then to be honest. It has been quite dramatic.

"So since we're here so early how about we start talking about your guys' little detective adventure." Goose said sitting on my right with Petr next to him and Ruby sitting on my left. So I went off on the huge rant of the rumors and everything to Gus. I am so sick of this rumor. It's just getting worse. The second the press found out that Gus was coming to Chicago they had a field day with it. Me and Jonathan can't even go out without something being said. Not to mention that just earlier this year there was a rumor about Sharpy sleeping with some of the guy's wives and all of my sources are telling me these cheating stories are coming from the same place. It's just getting frustrating. In the beginning this was just something fun to do while the guys were so busy but now I really need to find out whose starting these rumors and trying to ruin my life.

The game started and the tension was high. I mean it's game 1 of the Western Conference Finals. Tension will be high until there's only one winner left and hopefully it's my boyfriend. The first period was going okay until Anaheim got the first goal.

"It's okay. The guys will get this. They'll pick up both defensively and offensively." I said to Ruby when she started to look at the clock nervously to see that the first period was coming to a quick end. At intermission me and the guys went on a run for more food. Ruby said she wasn't going to be able to stomach any of it down right now.

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