Take Control.

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It's game four tonight and I still haven't spoken to Jonathan. Yes I realize this is getting out of hand and it's not like he hasn't reached out to me cause oh boy has he ever. It got to the point where the other day he stalked my snapchat story while me and Ruby had a girl's day and cornered me in Starbucks. I refuse to talk to him. He fucking walked out on me. Do NOT walk out on me. It shouldn't have been that easy for him. It's not okay at fucking all. 

"Kelsey, don't you think you're being a little stubborn?" Ruby said as I got a pop out of the fridge and made my way over to the couch to watch the game. The game started in a little over an hour and Ruby was trying to get me to go yet again. 

"Ruby. He. Walked. Out." I simply said. 

"Kels, but the other guys didn't. If anything go for them. Trevor misses you a lot since you're not coming to open practices or team events. It's hard for him to make time enough when he was single you know that. Since he asked that one girl out it's another story. Or come for Hossa. Wear his jersey. He's your Demi-God. Or Sharpy, or Shawzy. Kels, it's game four. Tampa is leading. If they lose this it'll put the next game into possibility of being clinched. YOU KNOW WHAT? GET YOUR ASS UP YOU'RE GOING." She yelled at the end. Uh..what..

"Uh...well...okay..." I said slowly getting up. Ruby's never actually yelled at me like that before so....guess who's going to game four. 


I am currently sitting here at United Center for game four. This isn't where I planned to spend my night. I'm wearing my Hossa jersey with my hat and no make up. I refused to look cute tonight. The guys just started their warm ups and I instantly saw Jonathan look at me, he smiled. Don't fucking smile at me. Asshole. 

"Kels, he's happy you're here." Ruby said nudging me. 

"Yeah and he can suck my ass too but I still won't give a shit." I said back. Don't ever walk out on me. The game went on very uneventful for the entire first period and a little of the second period until Jonathan got a goal with the assists from Sharpy and Hoss. I yelled once I saw Jonathan make the shot but that quickly stopped once I realized what I was doing. 

"Kelsey, quit acting like you hate the guy and just cheer for him. Please?" Ruby said looking at me annoyed. I feel bad for making her deal with all of this but he really hurt me. It's not even the fact we fought or him yelling at me. He left me...if he loved me it wouldn't have been that easily for him to just walk away from me when he saw how upset I was. That means that he could walk away whenever he felt like it and couldn't care less about me. 

"Okay Ruby. I'm sorry." 11 minutes into the period the lightening got their first goal making the score tied done by Killorn with the assists from Filppula and Stamkos. This game was going to be a close one and that scared me most. 

It was the 3rd period and the score was still tied at 1-1. I was definitely getting nervous, I kept shaking my leg and biting my nails. I don't know what I would do if we lost but it wouldn't end nicely for any Tampa fans around me. But just 6 and a half minutes into the period Saader got the goal to bring it up to 2-1 with the help from Kaner. Me and Ruby jumped up and threw our hands into the air cheering and hugged each other. Now all that was left for our defense to stay up and Corey to do what he does best and keep the goals out for us to tie up this series. That's exactly what they did. 

"Oh fuck yes baby!!!" I yelled and stood up hugging Ruby. We ran down to where the boys locker room was and waited. Jonathan came out and pushed me against the wall and just kissed me. Mind you he's always the last out, well not this time. He was the first so everyone down in that hallway and coming out of the locker room were watching this.

"Kelsey, I don't give a shit how damn stubborn you want to be. This fight is done, I'm sorry I yelled at you, I'm sorry I got mad and I am immensely and incredibly sorry that I walked out on you but it's done. You're forgiving me now." He said still holding my waist to the wall. I couldn't even talk at this point it was bad. "And we're going to go back to my place and I am going to show you just how damn sorry I really am." He whispered sexually in my ear. That's it, I broke. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him back in for another kiss and I didn't care who was there to watch. 


"Oh my god." I said panting heavily with Jonathan laying on top of me naked. That had to be the best sex I have ever had in my 21 years of living not even going to lie.

"So, did I make it up to you?" He said rolling over to his side and pulling me in so that I can cuddle with him which I happily did. 

"Jonathan, if me being mad at you makes sex like that I need to be mad at you more often let me tell you." I said still breathing a little heavy. 

"Please don't. I was so scared that I completely ruined things with you. After everything that happened Christmas I don't want to get on your bad side. I'm in love with you Kels. You're the best thing to ever walk into my life. I don't ever want to lose you. He said snuggling into my hair.

"Jonathan, you never will lose me. I'm head over heels in love with your annoying and stubborn ass. I couldn't ask for a better guy for me and even if I could I wouldn't. You're my better half babe. I love you." I said closing my eyes. 

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