Thanks Darling.

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This is actually going somewhere. So far everyone from the hawks hockey twitter has given us 5 names from wings hockey twitter that the rumor may have originated from. But now we have a problem. They're won't tell Patrick Kane who they heard it from or anything. They won't tell me either I'm a nobody compared to Patrick. I need someone big in the wings hockey twitter to help me but the 3 people I know who can help me are currently unavailable.

"Do you think Kyle would help you?" Ruby asked.

"Oh totally Ruby. He totally wants to find out who is making a rumor about his ex-girlfriend cheating on her current boyfriend with one of his teammates. Ruby." I said sarcastically.

"That's true...just kidding...I'm telling you there has to be someone who can help us." She said.

"You know what...there might be...Scott is really close friends with a certain goalie who can help us. We need to go to United Center right now Ruby." I said getting up and grabbing my keys.

"Kels, you're in Iron Man pajama pants..." She said grabbing her jacket. I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a gray tank top and Iron Man pajama pants.

"Fuck it. I don't care." I said putting on my Nike slides and grabbing my purse.

We got to the United Center in record, and illegal, timing. I was kind of speeding a bit.

"Hey Kels, hey Ruby what's up girls?" The security guard Jason asks.

"Oh nothing. Just going to go crash the guys' practice but we're kind of in a hurry so talk to you later my mans." I said as we ran to the arena. We got to where we needed to be and I saw Scott sitting on the bench to get a drink of his Gatorade.

"Oh my Darling. Just the guy I needed to see." I said sitting next to him.

"Oh hey guys, what's up?" He said offering some of his Gatorade to me. He knows blue is my favorite.

"Oh nothing I just need your help with a little project." I said giving my biggest set of puppy dog eyes.

"What...." He said looking skeptical.

"I need Petr's number." I said bluntly.

"As in Petr Mrazek, Red Wings goalie Petr? Um can I ask why?" He said confused.

"Okay so you know about the rumors about Kels and goose well we want to find out who started them and there's 5 people we've narrowed it down to and the only person we can think to help us is a Red Wing player and we know you're tight with Petr so can you please help us??" Ruby said in a long and breathless rant.

"You guys are crazy. But why not? Petr would love to meet you guys, especially you Kels, he thinks it's cool how much of a die hard Wings fan you are. Go into the locker room and get it out of my phone. But only him Kelsey. I don't want to hear from Price or Lundquist that you're texting them consistently and yelling at them for letting in goals." He said laughing. The sad part is he's completely right I would do that. But come on! He has Carey Price's phone number and won't remotely let me call him like what the fuck man.

"Yeah yeah I promise I will not call any amazing goalies that you will not let me talk to even though it's complete and utter torture." I said giving him my worst death glare. He just smiled and went back onto the ice. Me and Ruby got up and made our way to the locker room hoping not to get stopped by Jonathan or Patrick.

"Okay first off it smells like shit in here second where the fuck does Darling keep his shit." I said looking around.

"Over here Kelsey!!" Ruby said from the other side of the locker room. I went into his jeans back pocket and found his phone. Why all guys keep it here I will never know but whatever.

"Here it is...Mrazek's phone number...holy shit..." I said staring at the phone.

"Should we call know or wait?" Ruby asked.

"I'm gonna try and call now but from my phone. If he doesn't answer he'll have a missed call from me not from Scott." I said as I dialed Petr's number into my phone. It rang a few times until he answered.

"Hello?" He said. Oh my God. I was on the phone with Petr Mrazek!!

"Oh um hi, my name is Kelsey. I'm friends with Scott and I really need your help with something..." I said causally.

"Kelsey Baker right? Toews girlfriend and die hard Wings fan. Scott's talked about you before. I'm happy to help. What's up?" He said laughing. I went on to tell him about the rumors and how I want to find out who did it. I also told him about how we used Pat's twitter to try and help and why I needed his help exactly.

"Okay so basically you want me to talk to these 5 people cause you think they'll tell me?" He asked.

"No. I know they'll tell you. They're Wings fans and with how killer of games you've been having they'll definitely tell you." I said confidently.

"Okay I'll help. On one condition. Tonight is game 6. From what I've been hearing about you, you and your friend Ruby are good luck charms when you're together. You guys come to the game tonight and I'll help you find out whoever started the rumors about you and goose." He said.

"Us, in Detroit, tonight for game 6? Is that even a question?!?! Hell yes!!" I said. Ruby squealed. This was beyond exciting. Especially considering I just bought a new Nyquist jersey that I've been dying to wear.

"Then I'm in. Game starts at 7 Detroit time. Don't be late Ms. Baker." He said as he hung up. Not only am I going to game 6 for the Detroit Red Wings but I'm also going to meet Petr Mrazek!! Oh my God!!!

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