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drinking at a club with the cops


rin sighed as she watched the straight line on the heartbeat monitor. this was the seventh one today. the brunette's day started out great, that was until she reached her workplace, the hospital. ever since she was a kid she wanted to be able to save people, so her dream was to become a good doctor.

but rin's problem was that she easily got attached to her patients and today was definitely the worst day of her life. seven deaths in a row, she had witnessed seven people die- two of them being children. what caused their deaths you may ask? second to third-degree burns, internal bleeding and damage, beaten practically to death and one of them had barely survived a bullet to the stomach. all of that because of a certain criminal organization- bonten, they were infamous for their illegal acts and the amount of deaths they caused. rin despised them from the bottom of her heart- they took away innocent people's lives just for the fun of it and that did not sit right with rin. oh how she knew that.

"yamaguchi-san, that's enough for today, you may go home," a nurse came into the room, holding on to a pile of paperwork in her hands. the nurse, irina, sighed as she watched her coworker wipe away the tears that had pooled in her eyes.

"I told you so many times irina, you can call me rin, I don't mind." the brunette gave her friend a weak smile, taking a last glance at the little girl who lay lifeless on the hospital bed before leaving the room.

the strong stench of bleach and antiseptics filled her nostrils as she straightened her coat and fixed her hair. crying won't do anything, just do what you do best and keep on moving, that's what she repeated in her head, making her way to the staff room. it was late already but tadashi is probably still at work.

rin packed her things and left the hospital, reaching her car, she took out her keys when her phone vibrated in her pocket, it was a text from tadashi. 'let's go for a drink, I need a break.' the woman smiled at her cousin's text, it was as though he read her mind. 'sure, let's meet up at the usual.' with that said, the brunette turned on the ignition and drove with only one thing on her mind- getting absolutely wasted. and since she was off tomorrow and for the rest of the weekend, she could drink as much as she wanted- more like how much her weak stomach could handle but anyways.

reaching the designated club, rin parked her car and made her way inside the club.she scanned the insides and her eyes landed on her cousin,who was already seated at their usual corner, scrolling away on his phone as naoto conversed with him. rin smiled at the two, how she missed nights like these.

"look she's here," naoto nudged tadashi as the dark haired male pocketed his phone and smiled at his cousin.

"took you long enough, I brought this dumbass too, just in case neither of us two can drive later," the male snickered as his friend glared at him.

"sure, it feels nice, being here again just the three of us," the brunette replied as she took a seat across them. there were already a few empty glasses here and there on the table, and a discarded lighter next to naoto's hand.

"you guys could have waited for me," rin pouted and held an accusing glare at the two men. almost immediately the younger male pointed at tadashi muttering about how someone could not wait to down all the alcohol and get away from reality. tadashi was no light-weight, unlike his cousin who could handle no more than three shots of martini. the green-haired just shrugged in response as he called over a waiter.

two hours later

"I need to use the washroom, be right back," rin stood up but stayed still as her vision blurred for a second, she only had half a bottle of vodka, she thought she could handle it but now she was having regrets as her stomach churned and twisted.

"will you be okay?" naoto questioned as he held both of tadashi's hands as an attempt to stop him from drinking any more alcohol.

"yeah i'll be alright, just take care of that one for me, i'll be back in five minutes," rin pocketed her phone and left the two men alone. she made her way towards the bathroom, or where she thought it was but stopped in her tracks when she saw the 'out of service' sign on the door. she sighed and made her way towards the front bar to go ask the directions to the other washroom when she bumped into someone, making their drink spill all over them.

"watch where you're going bitch," the man sneered at her as she muttered numerous apologies, taking out a handkerchief to clean up the mess she made.

"keep your hands off me!" the man yelled as he pushed her away and left. rin watched in a daze as the purple-haired man walked away from her muttering profanities as he vigorously wiped his suit.

what a strange person, rin thought as she resumed her walk to the bar. atleast she tried helping right? moving on, after having received the directions from one of the familiar bartenders, the brunette made her way towards the back door, where she was met with numerous other doors. what the?

the woman let put a huff, tired of today's events already, she cringed as her stomach grumbled. rin hurriedly walked, trying out every knob, checking if either of them was the washroom. a click was heard as she twisted the knob of the eleventh door, finally she thought.

as she was about to take another step, two loud bangs were heard. rin flinched and covered her ears, her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

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