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attempting to poison the ex-lover


a rusty metallic smell, that's what hit rin's nose when they stepped inside the house. she knew what it was, blood, sure she was familiar with the smell of blood and all but this scent was so strong it made her feel uneasy in the tummy. she stared at the floor, where small red spots were splattered, almost in a trail. the two men behind her stopped to look at what she was staring at when the doors in front of them opened.

"oh you're back," a voice exclaimed when the three walked through the oak brown doors. kakucho smirked at the trio as rindou and sanzu put down the shopping bags.

"the others are in the basement, mucho caught the assholes who ratted us out, boss is looking for you two," with that said, the mullet-haired men took off their coats and rolled their sleeves up as they made their way towards the basement, eagerly anticipating what was about to happen.

"as for you lady, let's go to the kitchen," kaku picked up the bags, rin smiled at the familiar nickname and lent him a hand as they walked to the kitchen.

as they put the bags on the counter, rin turned to look at kakucho who was busy piling out the food, unaware of her gaze.

"say, they're gonna kill them right?"

"huh?" the male looked questioningly at the woman but kept on doing whatever he was doing.

"the ones who ratted you out I mean, haru and rindou are gonna kill them. I saw them smile when you said that mikey was looking for them."

"well rindou is one of the executives, along with ran, kokonoi and mucho. sanzu just...loves killing people for fun, so yeah," the male shrugged as the female nodded in response. he kills for fun.

"what about you and takeomi-san?"

"akashi is the advisor, and since you already know, mikey-kun is the leader, sanzu is the second and i'm the third."



"nothing, nothing. let's get to cooking,"

"huh no, you're the one cooking. boss just asked me to supervise you in case you added poison to the food," kaku chuckled as the female pouted.

"damn mikey really thinks i'll do it...whatever but can you atleast help me out,"

"sure, pass me the knife and apron please."




"have someone clean this up, and the blood near the door," kokonoi said as he wiped the blood of his hands.

rindou nodded as he took out his phone, leaving the room in process. ran, sanzu, koko and mikey were seated on the couches as the smell of blood enveloped the room.

"fucking assholes, they ruined my pants" ran muttered as sanzu passed him the wet towel. mikey chuckled as he wiped off the blood off his cheek. the assholes in question-two men from the transportation department- were persistent in staying silent, that is until sanzu took matters in his own hands and shot one of them straight through the eye, which definitely got the other one talking.

and while doing so, ran and rindou may or may not have tortured them by pulling out their nails, one by one at the slowest rate they could. hearing them scream and cry in agony satiated their thirst for blood, atleast that's what it looked like.

they were aware that there were many more spies in the organization, but would rather leave these kinds of work to mochi and akashi.

"so how was shopping?" ran questioned as he sat down next to sanzu.

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