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thank you sm for 100 reads omfg im crying dhsbovuadbv anyways here's a slightly longer chapter. enjoy :)) <3


meeting the infamous criminal organisation


all cleaned up after their little trip to the bathroom, the clique made their way to the parking lot. once they reached the car, koko yelled out that he was riding shotgun as ran made his way to the driver seat.

"wait guys, we won't fit in," rindou spoke up as he stared at the cramped up space in the back, sanzu was already seated, taking practically all of the space. koko and ran just shrugged telling him that they couldn't care less. rindou just glared at them as he gestured to the woman to get in.

"you can have her sit in sanzu's lap" ran suggested as he glanced at them through the rear mirror, "you know since she apparently knows him and even called him by his first name." koko just chuckled at that and rindou glanced at sanzu expectantly.

"huh?" both said man and rin said out loud out as they stared at each other.

"no wa-"

"sure." they both said at the same time making the other three chuckle. rin looked at sanzu in horror as the man just pat his lap motioning the woman to come take a seat.

the brunette just grumbled under her breath but listened nevertheless, this was the alcohol's doing or so she shought. once everyone was seated comfortably, ran turned on the ignition and started driving towards their desired destination.

twenty minutes into the car ride, sanzu hissed as he glared at the woman in his lap," would you stop moving already" rin just muttered an apology and looked out of the window. it was pretty outside, the stars shined brightly as the moon cast a low light all over the city. the woman sighed as she felt her eyes drooping by each passing second, the alcohol was finally getting to her huh. she leaned into the male's shoulder and inhaled his scent as darkness consumed her.

rindou watched with an amused smile as the two slept soundly, he nudged koko and the latter quickly took a picture of the two before rindou scolded him and tried to snatch away his phone, while the white-haired man chuckled saying that he'd use it as blackmail later on.

an hour later

ran killed the engine and climbed out of the car, koko following suit as rindou opened his door. the three men glanced at the other two passengers and contemplated whether to wake them up or not. they knew that sanzu hated being woken up and since the woman was sleeping soundly on his lap, it was even harder to wake him up.

eventually, after a lot of convincing from kokonoi, rindou made his way to the other side of the car and pulled open the door, he sighed and slipped his arms around the woman's waist and held her up. holding her bridal style, the purple-haired man made his way inside the house, the other two provididing support to sanzu as the man was still under the influence of the drugs. damn just how much shit did he take.

the group was met with a dimly lit living room, signaling that the other residents were already asleep, or just in their room doing whatever. koko and ran held sanzu up and made their way towards his room as rindou took the woman to one of the spare rooms, where he lay her on the bed and left her to sleep.

when he closed the door behind him, he bumped into koko who was coming out of sanzu's room. the two men let out a laugh as they reminisced about tonight's events. it was the first time that they had brought a woman over, other than to just fuck I mean. most of the men were womanizers, sanzu being the biggest, so this surely was a surprise to them. eventually, the two men bid each other goodnight and went to their rooms.

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