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(smut warning!! I kinda figured haru had some wild side to him so there's blindplay included hehe-I got inspired from a fanfic I read on ao3 but sadly I forgot the name lol but thank you for inspiring me...also i'm so sorry abt the late update, I had assessments going on and totally forgot to update T-T)

are you begging?


the female's back hit the door with a faint thud, her hands were tangled in the male's hair as their lips moved in sync.

one of her hands wrapped around haruchiyo's tie, pulling him closer to her body. slight gasps could be heard in between the movement of their lips as they shared the taste of the alcohol they had downed just a few minutes earlier.

after one last tug at his tie, the female quickly hoisted herself up and wrapped her legs around his waist. he carried her towards the bed, never once did his lips leave hers.

kneeling down onto the silk sheets, their lips still attached, haru wrapped his arms around her torso, lifting her up one more time before dropping her on the bed. he gave her an apologetic smile before getting up and locking the door. as he turned back to admire his beloved, a sparkling idea striked his mind.

he excitedly strode back into the bathroom to retrieve something, as rin cocked her head to the side and watched him in curiosity. she slowly curled up under the sheets beneath her, her body feverish and sensitive to the slightest touch. she couldn't distinguish whether it was from the sudden drop in temperature, from the stuffed hallway to the air conditioner in their room or simply from her arousal.

the male quickly walked back into the bedroom, a mischievous smile on his face as he had a black cloth wrapped around his hand- a blindfold, she figured.

he stopped in his tracks as the area around his crotch tightened. he could not keep his eyes of her, she was simply mesmerizing; the way her clothes hugged her body, her prominent curves...he broke out of his trance at the sound of her giggle.

the woman stared with utmost surprise at the bulge that had formed in his crotch area. her eyes were fixated on it until he brought her attention back to his face, by holding her chin and making their eyes meet.

"eager aren't we?" she chuckled lightly.

"shut up and stop staring, it's embarrassing."

rin tried surpressing her amusement as tints of red and pink dusted his cheeks and he nervously covered his face with his hand as an attempt to hide his embarrassment. oh what a sight.

"awn come on now, it just shows just how much you like me haru," she had a playful grin on her face. but the male was quick to understand what she was hinting at and wasted no time getting it on.

the embarrassment on his face had vanished into thin air, and was replaced by a malicious gaze instead.

lifting her chin, he gently tied the blindfold around her head.

"you alright love?"

the female hummed in response, shuddering when she felt his hands wrap around her torso and loosen her top,swiftly pulling it above her head-making sure not to move the blindfold. the cold air bit at her skin but it only added to her arousal.

rin let out a light gasp, she felt goosebumps rise on her skin as haruchiyo left feather-like kisses along her shoulder, down her collarbone and along her jaw. his arms were now on both sides of her head, caging her between him and the bed. despite being blinded, the female knew just how overpowered she was at that moment. haruchiyo was the one in control and she sure as hell was enjoying every second of it.

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