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ruining an executive's new shoes


"told ya, scraps are not allowed in here," a pink-haired man chuckled, twirling a gun in his hand as he admired his work of art. by his side stood two other men, one of them was laughing and the other one plopped down on a couch. their backs were turned to the female, making it hard for her to see their faces. her gaze was fixated on the two bodies lying on the floor, pools of blood surrounding them. rin stood frozen at the door, did I just witness a murder? her hand trembled as she struggled to move her feet, they refused to budge. cold sweat cascaded down her back and fear flashed in her eyes.

none of them had noticed her yet. finally regaining control over her body, she shut the door close and was about to pull out her phone to call naoto when a hand covered her mouth and she felt something cold being pressed to the nape of her neck.

"scream and the next thing you'll feel is the bullet going through your neck." a deep voice spoke close to her ear, making the hair on her neck rise. the voice sounded familiar, so the woman slowly nodded her head. the male removed his hand from her mouth but kept his gun nuzzle on her neck.

"give me your phone and put your hands behind your back," the brunette did as she was told and the man laughed in satisfaction.

"good girl, now open the door," with a trembling hand, rin twisted the knob once again and pushed the door open.

"look what we got here boys!" the man behind her hollered, catching the attention of his colleagues. the lot of them turned around as rin looked at the ground. the bodies were no longer there but the floor was still stained in blood.

"a girl?"

"why'd you bring a girl here?"

"the fuck rin?"

the woman perked up at the mention of her name, making eye contact with one of the males; the pink haired one- the one who had shot the two other men earlier. her eyes widened in realization as she examined the male's familiar face.

"yeah, caught her snooping around just now, I think she might have witnessed something she should not have." the man behind her said as he let go of her arms. rin just stood there, still staring at him as he stared back at her, too shocked to move or to even notice the throbbing red marks on her wrists.

"what are we supposed to do with her now?" the man with the long silver-like hair questioned as he looked behind the woman.

"kill her what else," another man with purple hair said as he gave the woman a devilish smile and took out a gun from his suit pocket.

"wait," the strawberry-haired man said.

rin finally got the courage to speak up, tears were welling up in her eyes as she stared at the two cold blue orbs staring back at her like a hawk,


it felt like time had stopped, all four males stared at the woman questioningly as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"what did you just say?" said man asked as the one behind her pushed her towards him.

"it really is you huh?" salty tears cascaded down the brunette's red cheeks, she could not believe her eyes.

"what the fuck are you talking about?" the white-haired man said as he grabbed the woman's arm pulling her in front of him.

"koko wait," the strawberry-haired man said as he held a hand to his face. was his mind playing tricks on him? or was it the side effects of the drugs? why did this woman remind him of a certain someone?

"let's take her back," once those words left his mouth, the other males' eyes widened, "we'll let the boss decide what to do with her."

the others knew not to question his decisions, for he was the boss's right hand and bonten's number two, but kokonoi, the silver-haired could not help but let his mind wander. this woman looked familiar, yet he could not place a finger on where he had seen her. rin just wiped away her tears as rindou once again grabbed her arms to hold her in place.

"whatever, let's just go then," koko said as he followed sanzu out of the door, the others trailing behind with one of them holding the woman.

"wait I need to use the washroom," the brunette turned to rindou, the long purple-haired male nodded and was about to take her when his brother spoke up.

"that can wait," ran said as he nudged them to keep on walking.

"but I really need to use the bathroom," the woman pleaded as she felt bile rise up in her throat.

"ran said that it could wait right, then just fucking wai-" kokonoi was cut off as the woman bent over, the remnants of the food she had eaten earlier coming out as she puked all over his shoes.

"WHAT THE FUCK WOMAN" koko screeched as he backed away from the brunette in horror.

ran held a hand to his mouth, trying hard to contain his laughter as sanzu just stared in an amusing manner at koko who was flailing around cussing and screaming that she just ruined his new shoes.

"well, she did say that she needed to use the bathroom, didn't she?" rindou chuckled as he pat the woman's back and held her hair up. sure sir, it's not as if just a few minutes ago you were holding a gun to my neck, rin thought.

kokonoi just scowled and took off his shoes, holding them at a distance from him and made his way towards the washroom with the three males and the woman trailing behind him.

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