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on good terms the pink jellyfish


"oi, haru stay with me...can you hear me?...haru keep your eyes open okay?" the female muttered as she gently pat the male's cheek. rin and rindou had moved sanzu to the back, he was profusely bleeding from the shoulder. the former doctor has been applying pressure-with the sleeve of her hoodie- on the gun wound on the left shoulder of the pink-haired male.

"r-rin...I feel sleepy..."

"haruchiyo look at me! keep your eyes on me okay? rindou! step on the gas, i'm losing him!" rin cried as the man in her arms started closing his eyes. he could barely keep his eyes open, the wound wasn't that deep but it barely missed an artery and the woman was losing her shit watching him swing in and out of consciousness.

"we're here, help me take him out," rindou said as he parked the car in front of a grand mansion. rin paid no mind to the surroundings and gently pushed haruchiyo up as the purple-haired male slowly pulled him by the sides, avoiding his left upper arm.

the two of them hurriedly took him to one of the rooms, followed by kakucho who stayed home instead of going with the others.

"bring me the first aid, quick!"

while kakucho rushed to the bathroom to bring the first aid kit, rindou took off sanzu's shirt, letting the woman inspect the wound and find the bullet. thank god it's not too deep.

"you two can leave, i'll take care of him," rin said as kaku handed her the box, nodding as he grabbed rindou and went out of the room. the female let out a sigh and rolled her sleeves up before grabbing the latex gloves from the kit.




taking off her bloody gloves, rin gently caressed the bandage on sanzu's shoulder. her eyes trailed from his shoulder to his face. she watched as his eyelashes laid still on his high cheekbones, strands of pink covered his eyelids, his cheeks had a faint tint of pink but were still as pale as ever.

the female sighed, exhaustion evident on her face as she shut and opened her eyes quickly in an attempt to make the sleep go away. she was used to doing longer and even more draining operations, but this one was the one that took the greatest toll on her. she was tired both mentally and emotionally, the whole time blinking her tears back as she stitched up sanzu's wound.

rin wasn't always this emotional during surgery, this was the first time that she felt like crying while doing one instead of after it. I guess you could say that it was fear, the fear of losing a loved one, the fear of losing him again but this time forever. maybe she was just overreacting, maybe it was just her conscience playing games with her but she really thought she was about to lose him today. she was kinda mad, mad at the fact that he was not careful enough to protect himself, maybe he was used to this but rin surely was not.

"are you okay?" a low voice spoke up, breaking the woman out of her trance, making her glance at the person who laid in front of her.

"you're crying rin,"haruchiyo said as he gently wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb.

"i'm not...something got into my eye," the female responded as she gently pushed his hand away and got up from her seat.

"hey...did I scare you? i'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"of fucking course you did...you promised you'd be careful haru and yet..." the woman's voice cracked as she sat back down, holding the male's hand in her own.

"hey i'm alright now...thanks to you, stop crying please," the male mumbled as he grabbed her arm, gently pulling her towards him.

"see, rin look at me, i'm alright."

"shut up haru, you have no fucking idea how scared I was, you almost stopped breathing for fuck sake! now you're telling me not to worry?!" rin pulled her arm away, sitting in an uncomfortable position on the chair as she watched the  male frown in frustration.

the latter let out a sight before speaking up again.

"listen...i'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to make you worr-"

"whatever the fuck you do, i'll still be worried haru, why don't you get that?! of course I care about you you fucking dumbass!"

"aight chill with the insults I get it alright, now get in here, you look tired," the male said as he scooted over, making a small space for the female next to him on the bed.

"argh fine, move some more...you're too close," rin hissed as she gently nudged him in the rib, making him wince in pain.


"not sorry"

"ah fine whatever, get some sleep, i'll wake you up when it's time to get ready...where are the painkillers?" haruchiyo pulled the covers up to the woman's waist before pulling himself up. rin pulled the covers over her head, hiding her embarrassment before mumbling out some words.

"top right corner of the drawer near the closet."




"rindou shut up, you're gonna wake her up"

"then let her, it's almost time"

"let her sleep just an hour more, she seemed really tired"

"what no! an hour is too long i'll wake her up now"

"touch her and I won't hesitate to cut off your balls and force feed them to yo-"

"alright shut up you two. i'm up," rin grumbled, cutting sanzu off as she pulled the covers down, and ran a hand through her hair. her fingers got stuck, making her sigh in irritation as she pulled at her locks.

"fuck rin, you're gonna hurt yourself. let me do it," rindou said as he pushed her hand away and started separating her hair himself.

what the fuck.

"i'll just go take a shower in the other room," haru said as he took a last glance at the two before doing a 180 and walking towards the door.

"okay be careful with your bandage!"

"I will"

. . .

"what?" the female said as she raised an eyebrow at the purple-haired male.

"nothing, it's just weird seeing you two not arguing," the male shrugged his shoulders and continued untangling the female's hair with his fingers.

"shut up haitani"

"yes ma'am"

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