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200 reads already wtf T-T... right anyways sorry for the long wait here's the next chapter, enjoy <3


getting mad at your ex-lover


"what's going on in here?" sanzu walked in-still in last night's clothes- hand on his face as he was rubbing away his sleep as the loud commotion in the living room had woken him up.

"not you too," koko muttered under his breath as they all looked at the pink-haired male.

"what? what is it?" sanzu replied, he had yet to notice the brunette sitting next to rindou, as he made his way to the kitchen. mans was still in a sleepy daze, he had a weird dream last night, actually no, it was the first time he had ever had a good dream in years.

he poured himself a cup of coffee and looked back at his colleagues, when his eyes finally landed on the female who was sat in the middle. his blue orbs widened, and he spat out the coffee. rin? it could not be, right? was he still under the influence of the drugs? sanzu quickly rubbed his eyes, doing a double take. there really was a female in here and he was unaware that he was the one who had brought her in.

sanzu looked at koko expectantly, as if looking for an explainable reason as to why this woman was seated in the same room as him right now. the male just shrugged in response and went back to staring at the woman. the other males stared at the strawberry-haired man. wasn't he the one who brought her in?

"uh good morning?" the brunette said, turning all the attention back on her again. she knew the man looked familiar, but was it really him? those same eyes? the same scars? the voice? was she dreaming? but why after all these years?

"what are you doing here?" sanzu spit out as he made his way towards the female. he glared at her, that same glare he gave her twelve years ago, those same eyes that held that one painful emotion. betrayal was it? or was it hurt?

"i'd like to know that myself, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO BROUHT ME HERE!" the sudden raise in voice shocked both the man in front of her and the ones across the room. all that pent-up anger, the hurt and pain she went through was finally resurfacing.

"I DID NOT. WHY WOULD I BRING YOU HERE?!" the male yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the female, who scoffed in response. it was as though they were the only ones in the room, for the others' presence was long forgotten.

"so what? I'm lying now?" she glowered at him, the male only sneered at her.

"why wouldn't you? didn't you lie to me at that time too?!" he banged a fist on the table, the others just watched in silence, the drama was entertaining, though surprising. it was the first time they saw this side of sanzu, for the male was always so neutral and barely showed any emotions.

"I WAS THE ONE WHO LIED? ARE YOU FOR REAL RIGHT NOW?" rin screamed once again, feeling a burning sensation in her throat, tears were threatening to spill as she stared daggers at the man in front of her.


"WAS I? WE WERE 16 HARU! 16! WE WERE JUST KIDS, HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT TO DO?" memories flashed beneath her eyes, memories from ten years ago. painful ones. the woman felt her head pounding against her skull, it felt as though her head was about to explode.

"YOU COULD HAVE TRUSTED ME? I WAS THERE FOR YOU WASN'T I?!" sanzu roared, anger and hurt visible in his eyes as he too had salty tears pooling by the sides of his lids.


"YOUR MOTHER WENT TO JAIL AND YOUR FATHER AND SISTER ARE DEAD, WHAT FAMILY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" sanzu immediately regretted his choice of words as soon as they left his mouth. a loud 'smack' was heard as everything went silent. five pairs of eyes watched intently as their second leader got thwacked by the woman, mucho winced as he saw the red imprint on sanzu's cheek, while the latter just stared, mouth ajar as tears rolled down freely down the woman's cheeks. he had crossed a line and made her cry, he broke his promise. and he was aware of it, that's why he hated himself so much right now.

"rin listen, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to I swea-" he moved to hold the female's face but was cut off as she kicked him in the shin.

"get the fuck away from me." red-eyed and teary-faced, the woman sat back, increasing the distance between them. if looks could kill, sanzu would be six feet underground right now, hurt was evident in the female's brown orbs, but it was overshadowed by anger. anger towards the man who she had once loved.

"alright that's enough you two," the haitani brothers stepped forward grabbing sanzu's arms and pulling him away from the female as kakucho untied her hands and gave her his handkerchief to wipe away her tears. she gladly took it.

"thank you kaku," rin gave said man a faint smile and looked up at the strawberry-haired male. she despised him, yet she hated herself more for having trusted him.

"the boss will be here in an hour. rindou, take rin back to her room, as for sanzu, let's go upstairs, we need to talk." kakucho got up from the couch and made his way towards the stairs, sanzu following suit.

"uh guys, I don't have any clothes to change into," rin muttered as she too got up and scratched the back of her neck nervously.

kaku turned around and sighed, " right, mochi and akashi go get her some clothes from one of the other guest rooms," with that said, everyone parted ways going back to whatever work they were about to do before the woman had spoken up.

rindou grabbed her arm and led her towards her room, where he showed her where the washroom was and made his way back to his room to get ready for the boss' arrival.

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