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letting the purple jellyfish turn you into a cartoon mushroom


rin yawned and stretched as she felt a warm sensation on her skin, her eyes fluttered open when her arm touched the empty spot beside her. it felt as though someone had been there although the bed was unkempt. wait...how did I get in my room again?

the last thing she remembered from last night was that she was snuggling against rindou, before falling asleep on the couch. how did she get here, she'd have to ask them later.

the woman got up from her bed and took a quick look around her room. it was...messy, that's one word to put it. clothes were everywhere, her vanity drawers were wide open, some of its content sprawled on the beige carpet on the floor. she let out a sigh. it was still early, she doubted the guys were up already. so she decided to keep herself busy for an hour or so by cleaning her room and getting ready for breakfast.

sunday, it was haruchiyo's turn to make breakfast today and she looked forward to it. it had been a while since she had eaten something that he made. rin felt a fluttery feeling in her stomach as she thought of food. she quickly got to work, keeping in mind that breakfast made by haru would be the reward for it.

little did she know...

"what do you mean he's still sleeping?! it's his turn to make breakfast and he decides to sleep in. and he did not even drink last night," rin muttered as kakucho tried calming her down by patting her head. it's not working bro.

"ran went to his room earlier, he didn't budge one bit when he tried waking him up," rindou said as he took a seat next to the woman.

to say she was pissed was an understatement, but what she felt was mostly disappointment. she was looking forward to breakfast today. ah nevermind maybe some other day.

"so what do we do?" kakucho questioned as he too took a seat next to rin. it was just the three of them for now, the others were still in their rooms, probably still sleeping.

"make breakfast ourselves what else," the female shrugged as the males sighed.

"alright, rindou, get the eggs from the fridge, as for you lady, can you make the tea and coffee in the meantime?" kaku said as he got up from his seat. rindou followed suit and the female nodded before walking towards the cupboard to pull out the mugs and a kettle.

the three of them worked in silence, kakucho made the bacon and eggs, rin finished brewing the tea, setting aside the coffee jar and cut some fruits before she went to help rindou with the toast. breakfast was made in less than twenty minutes, the table was already set, so they went back to the kitchen to talk and wait until the others wake up.

"hey rin, I was thinking, do you wanna dye your hair?" kakucho spoke up as he pulled out a chair for the woman, rindou looked up from his phone and gave the other male a questioning look.

"not you haitani, i'm talking to the woman"

"better emphasize on it next time kaku," the male scoffed before going back to scrolling on his phone.

"huh why?" the female questioned as she sat down next to the blue-haired man.

"to change your appearance dumbass, so people won't recognize you"

"ohh, yeah I could, I was thinking about it but since I can't really go out on my own I don't know," she answered.

"you know...rindou could dye it for you"

"huh," said man muttered as he gave kakucho a questioning glance. rin only watched their interaction in silence.

"you dyed yours, ran's, even sanzu's. don't tell me you can't do it for our little lady right here," the navy-haired male chuckled as he swung an arm around the female's shoulder.

"and why would I do that?"

"pretty please dou?"rin fake-pouted, making kaku chuckle and rindou sigh.

"fine, come to my room later after breakfast, i'll help you out."

"thank youuu," the woman got up from her seat and was about to hug the purple-haired male when someone walked into the kitchen.

"...what are you doing?" mikey questioned as he walked towards the sink to pour himself a cup of coffee.

"just talking, rin was thinking of dying her hair," kakucho spoke up and mikey took a seat next to rindou.

"ohh good idea, you should ask rindou to help you, he's good at it,"

"see, even the boss recommends you!" kaku chuckled as the mullet-haired male scoffed.

"I already said i'll do it"

"oh, i'll pick the colour!" mikey exclaimed as he stood up.

"I can, right rin?"he questioned and looked at said female.

"yes of course, i'll trust you on choosing the right one"

"you won't regret it"




it had been an hour since they had had breakfast, and sanzu was doing the dishes-rin forced him to do it as remuneration for the breakfast they had to make earlier. the male did it without arguing knowing it was on him and volunteered to make dinner instead.

the lot of them were now in the living room sitting and explaining how things are done to rin, the female only nodding as response, trying to understand it all. after their little talk, rin, kakucho, mikey and rindou went to the former's room. the younger haitani had brought all of his things already; hair dyes, gloves, shampoo, conditioner even his hair dryer and everything. the female was amused at the amount of attention the male paid to his hair, but nevertheless it was a good thing.

mikey and rin were seated on her bed while kaku and rindou were chilling on the couches.


"no, you'll look like kakucho"


"nope, sanzu"


"still no, it won't match with your eyes"

the female sighed, oh it was gonna be a long day.

twenty minutes later

"RED IT IS!" rindou exclaimed, surprising the bleach blonde male and the petite brunette. he had had enough, they had been going at it for fifteen minutes straight, rin saying a colour and mikey disagreeing coming up with an excuse everytime.

"holy fuck- you did not have to scream haitani," rin said, holding her chest as she calmed her breathing.

"fine red will do," mikey muttered, crossing his arms as rin nodded in agreement.

"alright then, kakucho get your ass here,"rindou signaled the latter over to the sink in rin's bathroom where he was mixing the products.

"i'll be back in an hour, I feel sleepy," mikey waved at the female, who smiled in response before he left the room. not even a second later, he appeared once again.

"WAIT, I better be the first one to see the finished product! no second cause rindou will see it first, but you better call me once you're done!"

"yes, yes you will manjiro, now get going, i'll call you later!"

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