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short-lived fun with murderers


"I swear to god, this game is rigged!" rindou exclaimed as he slammed his hand on the table, exposing all of his cards to the others. this was the 9th time that he was losing. and that too, to a woman, overall he felt like shit.

"it's not, you're just a sore loser," ran snickered as rin nudged his shoulder.

"oi leave him alone guys, he just sucks at it," kokonoi added as the others chuckled.

"he sure is"

"for real"

"just how much did he lose to her again?"

"2 millions"

"what the"

rin felt the corner of her lips rise up as she watched the stacks of money in front of her. who would've thought that she'd win that much money from just playing poker.

"I told you guys not to underestimate her," mikey said as he twirled the contents of his glass thoughtfully.

"we did not boss, lady's a good player and she learns fast," kakucho pipped in as the other three men grunted in response.

"bold of you to assume that she did not know how to play poker," a new voice spoke up, making the the others turn to look at the person at the door.

"boss, she used to hang out with shinichiro-san and his gang at some point," sanzu chuckled as he pulled out the chair next to ran and plopped down on it.


"wait you did?"


"ah right, she was close with shinichiro and wakasa too," mikey smiled as he remembered the times when he, rin, ryuko, shinichiro and baji used to hang out shinichiro's mechanic shop.

"so who's at the top right now?" kakucho spoke up, gaining their attention once again.

ran pulled a the notebook from under the table and flipped through the pages for a few seconds before passing it to the blue-haired man.

"boss at the top, koko in second place, rin third, me fourth and lastly our very dear rindou," kakucho draped an arm over the purple-haired male, making him scowl in response.

"i'm not surprised she beat the both of you," sanzu chuckled as the two men glared at him.

"rin is pretty amazing so neither am I,"mikey added.

"oh really?"

"then let's have a round, just the three of us," rin said as she pointed at the two platinum blondes and herself.

"sure, just be prepared to lose woman," kokonoi smirked, ran started reshuffling the cards.

"now this is gonna be interesting"




"what the actual fuck"

both rindou and sanzu said as they watched the four exposed cards on the table. kokonoi had folded right after rin had raised the stakes to 150k ,his hand was not that bad but he was convinced that he could not win with his cards, a now permanent scowl etched on his face. he was being too cocky to be honest.

mikey had a flush, while rin had a royal flush. she beat him, which made all the other men stare at her mouths agape. for some reason the both of them had hearts in hands and weirdly enough, rin had the highest cards. mikey was not surprised to be honest, rin had leant from the best-that being shinichiro- and he felt some kid of pride that he had lost against her. why you may ask? only god knows.

"you owe me koko," ran muttered as his colleague glared at him.


rin stared at the both of them before speaking up.

"you guys bet on me?"

"we all did..."





"somebody take her back to her room, she's annoying," rindou said as he rolled his eyes in exasperation and frowned when the petite brunette snuggled closer to his arm.

"let her rest for a while rin, she's tired and had much to drink," takeomi replied as he eyed the two. rin was holding one of rindou's arms, leaning into it, while on his other side sat kokonoi, too busy scrolling on his phone to acknowledge the two. takeomi and mochi were back from their 'trip', they had completed thir work and had joined them a bit earlier. the female even played and won against mochi but at some point gave up when it was just her and takeomi. the latter was aware that she was bluffing the whole time, for he was the one who had taught her that. bold of her to use his own trick against him.

now, they were all seated on the couches, a few empty bottles scattered on the table with half-filled glasses next to them. it was the first time in a while since they had had fun like that, fun being sitting, drinking, gambling and shit.

"you know, we should so this more often, it feels nice," mochi said as the others nodded in response.

"yeah, it's only been a few days but it already feels as though she's one of us now," ran added making kokonoi nod in response.

"but things might all change as from next week..rin will be joining us in our work, it'll all be new to her so I hope you guys aren't too harsh on her," mikey said.

"don't worry boss, we'll take care of her"

"as long as she doesn't get on my nerves," rindou pipped in.

"I agree, shopping with her was so draining and if she opens that pretty mouth of hers just to talk shit I won't hesitate to shoot a bullet through her skull," sanzu said as he got up from his seat, gaining mikey's attention.


"right right sorry boss, I won't okay"

"alright, it's time to go, mochi take rin to her room, sanzu and rindou help him. kokonoi and kakucho come with me," mikey said as they all got up from the couch. it was already three in the morning and they had a long day ahead of them, and he was sure that rin would be grumpy all day since she had way too much to drink just a while ago. why drink so much if you can't handle your alcohol, he thought as he spared one last glance at the female before walking out of the room, followed by the other members.

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