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shopping with the pink and purple jellyfishes


tick...tock...tick...to- "argh fuck it, i'll just go," rin grumbled as she got up from the couch. it had been half an hour since rindou went upstairs. thirty-one minutes and forty-seven freaking seconds. even she doesn't take that much time to get ready. she speed-walked up the stairs, walking towards rindou's room which was right across hers. she hesitated to knock, but just ended up pushing the door open.

the female's eyes were as wide as saucers as she took in the sight in front of her. a very shirtless sanzu was straddling rindou, as he held a gun to the latter's head. both men shrieked when they saw the female at the doorstep, quickly scrambling away from each other. rindou stood up and dusted his shirt and the other male just glared at the brunette.

"what the fuck did I just witness?" she said as she held a hand to her mouth to hide the smile that made its way to her lips. she wanted to laugh but the idea of getting a bullet through her head flashed in her mind as she eyed the gun in sanzu's hand.

"shut the fuck up, it's not what it looks like. and I told you to wait downstairs, didn't I?"

"it's been thirty minutes and you were taking so long. AND WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME THAT HE WAS COMING ALONG TOO?" the female pointed an accusing finger at sanzu, who just shrugged in response. the purple-haired male just 'tched' and ignored the woman, walking past her as he muttered,

"you better keep your pretty mouth shut about what you saw, got it? and as for you, put on some clothes already."

rin nodded and followed rindou out of the room, when something in the corner catched her eyes. three small packets of some white powder and a blue cylindrical box next to a few cards. her eyes widened in realisation but she kept a straight face and went on walking almost stumbling into rindou's back.

so that's why haruchiyo was in rindou's room...




yes rin sweetie, what did you expect, sanzu was pretty much stoned the night you guys met. why are you even surprised.

two hours later

"oi, jellyfish heads," rin said as she pushed the empty cart in front of her as she trailed behind the two males.

"what," they both snapped their heads at her as they each supported a glare of their own. rin had been pestering them ever since the car ride, although she did not want sanzu to be here, for his presence was a hindrance to her- but she did not mind it that much anymore.

the female smiled, contentment evident in her eyes as the two men glared daggers at her. ah this is much more fun than being at home.

"what do you want bitch?" rindou spoke up, his glare unwavering as he waited impatiently for the female's answer.

"let's go to the snacks aisle, and you, come push the cart," she tutted, and pointed at sanzu-who like her was wearing a black mask-as she made her way pass them and was heading towards the snack alley. sanzu 'tched' and muttered, "can I kill her already," rindou just gave him a pointed look and kept on walking. the man with the pink mullet sighed in defeat and pushed the cart, following the two others.

"here catch," rin yelled- her voice muffled as her mouth was covered by the piece of fabric-as she threw five packets of taiyaki at rindou, who was caught off-guard and got hit in the face instead. he was this close to losing his mind, this woman was definitely getting on his nerves, and worst of it all is that she was aware of it. she had made them roam aimlessly around the store for an hour already and still did not pick anything, that is until she declared that she wanted snacks and leaving the two men behind.

twenty minutes later, the cart was almost filled to the brim, mostly by vegetables and snacks. since rin was the one on cooking duty, she could make whatever dish of her choice, the males weren't forced to eat it either. but since mikey personally asked her to do it, she had to at least be of help to him, not that anyone had asked her if she wanted to. she was pretty much forced to.

moving on, the woman had rindou bring another cart, not to use it to carry things, no, but to carry her instead. the male obliged and did it, not that he minded really. sure this female was definitely unnerving, but this was the first time that he frequented a public store in years, and the other two's company was not that bad.

while sanzu was struggling to push a pretty much full cart, rin and the youngest haitani brother were laughing their asses off as they were scrambling away from the fallen-over pile of cans, an angry worker fuming after them. to say that he was jealous was an understatement, sanzu felt a tug at his chest as he remembered their younger days, when him and rin would go shopping together in the middle of the night and would get kicked out by the manager every time. the pink-haired male shook his head, pushing away those memories and kept on trailing behind the two as they made their way to the register.

once they were finally seated in the car, sanzu took off his mask and pulled out his phone.

"shit, nine missed calls from mikey," rindou snapped at him in an instant, taking out his phone as well.

"we're so fucked," dozens of texts from each of the other bonten members, asking where they were, and that rin was missing.

"i'll just call him right quick," sanzu mumbled as he dialed mikey's number. rin just sat comfortably in the back, watching the two men freak out with curious eyes.

"hello...yeah, she's with us, don't worry...hmm...okay we'll be right there," as he ended the call, he turned at the female.

"you have connections with the police right?" he asked as rindou raised a questioning brow at him. rin nodded as the male let out a sigh. he turned at rindou and said.

"they found one of the hideouts, not the one we're staying at but boss said to come back right now," with that said, rindou started the engine and they headed home.

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