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kinda late update sry got caught up w school and tests anyways thank you sm for 3k??? omg ily smmm guys


first mission mayhem


"are you ready for tomorrow?" mikey asked as he watched the female pace around in his room, one hand near her mouth as she nibbled on her nail. they had just had dinner and the male had just explained to her how tomorrow was gonna go.

right now, the two of them were in the former's room, discussing about tomorrow's plans, making the red haired lass get all nervous and feel her stomach drop when manjiro mentioned the guns and blood.

"honestly? no" rin said and took a seat on the bed next to her white-haired friend, who only watched her quizzically.

"what is it rin?"

the female only gave him a questioning glance in response and went back to looking at her nails.

"it's just... I don't know okay? what will happen tomorrow? will I be in danger? I can't even look too long at blood , how am I supposed to- what if I di-"

"rin get your shit together," mikey said as he held her shoulders and gently shook her.

"it's gonna be alright, both sanzu and rindou will be there so there's nothing you need to worry about. and our men are gonna surround the place so you'll be safe. and let me remind you that you brought this upon yourself, so I just want you to know what it's like to be a part of bonten too," the male sighed as he retracted his arms and laid back against the headboard.

"are you sure?"

"rin I will fuckin-"

"JEEZ ALRIGHT FINE, i'll stop asking questions okay...so we're gonna meet up right after right?" rin turned to look at manjiro, who only gave her an 'are you serious look?'.

"i'm just asking."

"you literally just said no more questions- ah whatever  yes, we'll meet up after. the others will come with me to asakusa while you go to yokohama. and then we'll see each other again at the club in asakusa. is that all?"


"then go to bed, you have to wake up early tomorrow," mikey shooed her away with a motion of his hand, making rin get up from the bed with a pout on her face.

"if you wanted me to leave you could've just said so," she said and turned her back to him.

"i did not but you gotta wake up before eleven alright, oh and catch."

rin was caught off guard when manjiro threw a phone her way. it looked expensive and brand new too...

"you'll use this as from today, there's already all of our numbers registered on there...oh and please refrain from contacting your cousin for the meantime, i'm still having a hard time covering up for your disappearance," the male finished and rin nodded in response.

"roger captain," the female gave him a mock salute as the latter let out a laugh, before leaving his room to head to her own across the hallway.


tomorrow is gonna be a long day.





the woman's eyes were as wide as saucers as she watched the abandoned dock curiously. not a single soul was out here. she had just woken up from her nap, it had been an hour or so since rindou and haruchiyo left her by herself in the car. they said she did not need to get out for now and to just find something to do while she waits for them. very convenient rin. taking a nap right in the middle of your first mission.

although manjiro had assured her that their men were scattered around here, she had not yet spotted a single car nor man. it was strange to say the least, and the deafening silence tormented her. her phone had died right in the middle of her game-which is why she took a nap- but now she was bored and scared because the two effing males were taking their sweet time coming back.

"fuck rin unlock the door!" said woman was startled when the voice called out to her, making her jump in her seat and scramble to push the unlock button in the front seat.

the two men were outside the car, shirts and gloves bloody as they both hurried to get inside the car. rindou stepped on the gas as haru was taking off his gloves.

"faster rin! how the fuck did the police get here?!" haru exclaimed as he kept looking back, making eye contact with the female each time. the latter only watched in bewilderment as the younger haitani accelerated, making them increase the distance between the cop car and their own.

after a good five minutes, the police car was out of sight, that was close.

"so uhm can someone explain what's going on...?" rin questioned, making the pink-haired male watch her through the rear-window.

"right, i'll let you do the honours sanzu," rindou laughed as he nudged the other male who winced at the contact and swat his hand away.

"okay okay, so there was this guy who owed us money, not a few thousands, no we're talking thousands of millions right now, yeah so he's been in dept for a few months now, and boss has had enough so we planed today's meeting to give the last warning, but the motherfucking son of a bitch brought it the big guns with his men and tried uh killing us? so me and rin beat the shit out of them, and may or may not have shot a few here and there." sanzu rambled on, he took in a long inhale before wiping the blood from his hands as the female nodded, assimilating all the info she was receiving.

"is that why you're all bloodied up?"

"yeah pretty much," rindou shrugged as he took a right turn, driving towards one of their nearby hideouts.

"are any of you hurt? or like?"

"I'm alright, just gotta patch up em knuckles, what 'bout you sanzu?" rindou chuckled as he glanced at his colleague from the side of his eyes.

the latter only laid still, his breathing slower than before.

"haru you okay?...oi haru?" rin slightly nudged him by the shoulder, making him wince in pain.

"fuck it hurts"

"oi you good?" rindou questioned, worry etched across his face as he glanced at the female in the back.

rin understood what he meant and slowly pushed herself in between the two front seats to take a proper look at haruchiyo.

a small gasp left her lips as she eyed the male.


"I think I got shot."

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