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trouble loves me


"alright I'm done," the male mumbled as he ran one last hand through rin's hair and put aside the brush in his hands. rin got up from the bed and dusted off her bottoms.

"what time do we leave?" she asked rindou while walking towards the bathroom to rinse her face.

"in uh an hour or so, go shower and i'll help you pick some clothes," rindou answered from the bedroom.

"be back in ten minutes!" that was the last thing the female heard before the door closed shut and she started stripping before getting under the shower.

after thoroughly washing her hair and body, she got out of the bathroom, a towel draped around her and another around her head.

she walked towards the closet and pulled out a black duffel bag in which were some of her belongings. the woman quickly put on her underwear and pants was about to pull a shirt over her head when the door swung open, making her yelp out in surprise and quickly hide her chest with her arms.

"I really thought you had nothing up there," mumbled rindou as he casually walked into the room and plopped down on the bed while scrolling through his phone with a bored expression.

"don't you know how to knock or something? AND WHY WERE YOU LOOKING YOU PERV!" rin screeched, backing up in the corner and swiftly pulling her shirt down, covering her cleavage and stomach. the male only shrugged in response and spoke up.

"I did a few minutes earlier but you didn't answer so I waited a few minutes before entering AND it was the first thing I saw when I opened the door so-"

"shut the fuck up dou...why are you here again?"

"to help you choose your outfit of course!" a mischievous grin was etched along the male's lips as he stood up and pushed the female towards the bathroom telling her to go dry her hair while he sorts out her clothes.

15 minutes later

rin walked out of the bathroom, a hairbrush in hand as she combed through her hair, looking out for the younger haitani. she stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening at the pile of clothes on the floor and the male picking a fabric and throwing it on the bed while muttering nothings under his breath.

"why are the dresses so short?" rin asked, catching rindou off-guard as he jumped up from his seat and glared at her, a hand placed above his heart.

"jesus woman, don't sneak up on people like that," he grumbled before grabbing the red-haired's arm and making her sit on the bed.

he put his hands on his hips, as if in a proud manner before asking her which one she liked the most.

rin sighed, eying the dresses and then the tops and skirts laid out on her bed. why the fuck are they so short.

"they are not that short so shut up and tell me which one you like most"

"ughh...the mesh top and black skirt," the female mumbled, pointing at the outfit laid out on her pillows.

it consisted a long sleeved black see-through mesh top and matching black bralette and skirt. there were black fishnets paired up with the skirt making her sigh. that was the only thing that was not too short but having to wear that top would probably make her self conscious...and it had been so long since she had actually had to dress up to go clubbing.

"alright now for the shoes," rindou pulled her up, dragging her towards the shoe closet.

"why are there only heels in here?" the female questioned as she eyed the shoes on the racks warily.

"I don't know but kakucho and mikey chose them and they actually had a decent taste in those things hehe," the male chuckled as he grabbed a pair of black stilettos from one of the upper racks. rin sighed once  more as rindou handed her the shoes.

"drop the fishnets, wear the skirt only-or you can wear shorts or something under, just to be careful. now quickly get dressed, i'll go check up on sanzu and kakucho~" rindou said, quickly rushing out of her room, not even letting her say a word before closing her door shut behind him.




the three males looked up to the stairs when they heard the faint clicking of heels in the distance. there she was, clad in makeup as the outfit her and rindou chose together stuck to her body like a second skin, making her curves slightly more prominent than before.

rindou had a gentle smile plastered on his lips as sanzu's eyes stayed glued to the female's body, still taking in the sight in front of him.

"told you you'd look hot," rindou commented, making the woman chuckle in response.

"shut up dou, let's get going already."

rin watched as the guys stood up from their seats, all three of them were wearing suits, the colors contrasting their hair. (I hope this makes sense smh) to say they looked hot was an understatement. although it was not her first time seeing them all dressed up like this, she regrets not paying more attention the first night they met.

"hey rin, isn't that skirt too short, if you bend just a few inches over, you might as well flash everyone," haruchiyo mumbled, causing a sigh to escape the woman's lush pink lips.

"I hate to agree on that one with you, rindou forced me to wear it!"

"I DID NOT, STOP LYING!" said male, protested in response.

"guys shut up and let's just go...lady, you sure you won't be cold dressed like that?" kakucho questioned as he glanced briefly at the female before pushing open the front door.

"i'll be fine kaku, dont worry," the woman smiled gently at the concern etched on the male's face as they stepped outside.

boy was she wrong.

"fucking hell, why is it so cold out here?!"rin hissed as she hugged herself, rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm herself as the cold air bit at her slightly exposed skin.

she was alone with rindou, the latter stayed with her while she fixed herself up in the car, haruchiyo and kakucho had already gone ahead as they had received a text from takeomi to meet him at the entrance.

"kaku asked you if you'd be fine," rindou chuckled, his nose tinted red as he too shivered from the cold.

"shut up dou, let's get going already"

"go on ahead, i'm right behind you," the male said and pulled the car keys from the ignition.

rin nodded and walked on ahead, completely lost in a world of her own. the silence engulfed her and she was too concentrated on warming herself up to realize that the younger haitani was actually not behind her.

the female took a few more steps, until someone spoke up, scaring the shit out of her.

"feeling cold babe?"

rin jumped in her skin at the sound of the gruff voice. she turned around only to be met with a rather rumpled looking man, he was slightly buff, looking around his 40s maybe 50s even. she felt a chill run down her spine as their eyes met.

the man gave her a daunting smile, exposing his slightly crooked front teeth. he had this really dark aura that screamed dangerous around him and rin could not help but feel slightly anxious as they were the only ones on this side of the lot.


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