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getting high on poker


after having dinner and making mochi do the dishes, rin decided to take a shower and head to bed early, for she was tired after today's adventures, but mikey had other plans as he was sat on one of the couches in her room scrolling on his phone when the female came out of the bathroom all freshened up and dressed with a towel around her hair.

upon seeing the male on her couch she pointed at the bed, signaling him to move there instead since the couch was probably uncomfortable. she knew they needed to talk, and she was not ready for it.

the male was sprawled on her bed as she was drying her hair in front of her vanity, when he finally spoke up, breaking the silence.

"you have connections with the cops right?"

rin put down her towel before making her way towards her bed and sitting down next to the white head.

"yeah, tadashi, my cousin is in the detective department along with another friend"

"naoto tachibana?"

"yes, that's him. wait how do you know?"

"background checks"


the two sat in silence as the only sound to be heard was the pitter patter of the rain splashing against the glass window's in the female's room.

"these two have been on our tail for three years now, especially tadashi"


mikey glanced at the female as she gave him a confused look. he sighed and cleared his throat.

"it's a long story but i'll just cut it short... I know that the rumours about bonten are mostly bad- they're not fake though some yes, but the ones about us being ruthless and shit are true. we made a deal with the government seven years ago, since we're a criminal organization and all, we kill people and there are times when...how do I explain that...like we had a contract with the japanese government; the cops leave us alone and don't mess with our and we kill off other criminals for them and get paid. that's how we first started making money- that and gambling of course."

"ohh, I kind of get it but kinda dont. what do naoto and tadashi have to do with this?"

"although the cops work for the government, not all of them agree to this contract. tachibana and yamaguchi being two of them, and since apparently they're skilled in their line of work? the others don't care if they mess with bonten. because they are aware of the consequences- that is death."

rin nodded, trying to assimilate as much as she could, although her head was now aching from thinking too much.

"I know that's a lot to take in, so why don't we get your mind off of this for a while...are you down for some poker?"

"uh sure, just let me get changed first and i'll be right back." she walked towards the closet where there were spare clothes out on the shelves. damn, I really need to buy some clothes, she sighed.

"alright, i'll tell the others to get the table ready and we'll play in the basement- not the first one, there's another one."

"uh where is that?"

"ah nevermind, i'll just ask kakucho to come get you"




"...here's the straight flush and this one the royal flush," ran explained as he pointed at the ten cards laid out on the table. rin nodded as she examined the symbols and cards. five adults were seated around the round pub table, namely rin, mikey, kokonoi, ran, rindou and kakucho. mochi and takeomi were out and sanzu was in his room doing god knows what. ran had a deck of cards in hand, busy explaining the game and rules to the female while the others were having a drink. glasses were sprawled here and there on the table. it had been a while since they played like this, though some of the members were missing and there was even a woman at the table.

"right, so chips or money?" rindou questioned as he put down his glass on the table.

"i'd say money but since rin here has nothing on her, we'll go with the chips." kaku said as he got up front his seat.

"actually, I was thinking of 'lending' rin money" kokonoi pipped in.

"huh, didn't you hate her or something?"


"the heck, for real?"

the whitehaired male nodded and pulled out a few stacks from his pocket, shocking both the female and the other members. he pushed the stacks her way and she gratefully picked them up and neatly stacked them in front of her.

"alright then who's the dealer?"





"but I want to play too.."

"fine then. i'll be the dealer," ran said as he started shuffling the cards. he carefully gave each one of them two cards and laid five others in the middle of the table. four of the players put in 5k yen on the table to enter the game while mikey folded.


"shut up"

"okay place your bets"

they all simultaneously peaked at their cards and put them face down on the wooden surface.

"i'll start" rin said as she pushed 10k in front of her cards. it was now kakucho's turn. he followed with 10k as well and then rindou put in 20k making the both of them scowl at him. kokonoi followed with 20 and then rin and kaku added their owed 10k. ran then flipped the first three cards.

ace of hearts, ten of clubs, queen of clubs.

rin almost smiled when she saw the ace but she had to remain neutral, meanwhile mikey sneakily took a peak at her cards and nodded at her.

it was rin's turn to call, she raised the stakes at 40k, making rindou cock a brow at her, the female smiled and shrugged in response.

kaku folded, rindou and kokonoi followed assuming that rin was probably bluffing. the blue-haired male nudged the woman, silently asking her to show him her cards while ran flipped another card.

he smirked when he looked at her hand, god damn she had a good one.

the king of clubs was facing up.


mikey's and kaku's eyes widened when they saw the card. was it beginner's luck or something?

rin raised once again to 50k, ran chuckled and rindou sighed.

"if that's how you want to play then we'll play," he pushed in 70k in front of him,koko folded and rin added 20k more to her pile. the last card was finally revealed.

king of spades.

rin felt her soul leave her body for a second. I'm gonna get rich tonight.

"rin, you call"

"100k" said woman replied as a stack of money was pushed to the middle of the table.

the purple-haired male gave her a 'are you serious look', but nevertheless put in his own hundred thousands. he was aware that she had a good hand but earlier, right before they had started the game he and rin made a bet. and if he lost, he had to keep on paying no matter what. so here he was, but to be honest, rindou had a good hand as well.

"show your cards," ran said as he put the money together.



the two leftover players flipped their cards. rin had an ace of diamonds and the king of hearts. in total she had three kings and two aces, while rindou had the ace and a seven of clubs. he was so close to getting a royal flush , but the last card was a game-changer.

"rin wins this round" kaku announced as ran handed her the money.

"in your face fucker" the female exclaimed as she stuck out her tongue at rindou, taking the money from ran. the younger haitani glared at the brunette and mumbled a 'shut the fuck up' before his brother started reshuffling the cards.

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