Not The First Time Being Banished

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Aang finally came back with a guilty look on his face. From the distance, you could see some more of smoke rising into the air. Aang had done something again. Sokka was the first to blame Aang for it.

"I knew it! You signalled the Fire Navy! You're trying to lead them straight to us!" Sokka snapped, pointing to Aang. 
The Fire Navy? What would they want with the Water Tribe?

"Aang didn't do anything, it was all an accident!" Katara defends Aang the best way she can.

"Yeah." Aang says. "We're on this ship and there was this booby trap...and well... we boobied right into it." Aang say, you give off a little stupid smile at what he says, but quickly took it away.

"Katara! You shouldn't have gone on that ship, now we could all be in danger." Gran Gran said

"Don't blame Katara, I brought her there." Aang butts in, trying to get Katara out of trouble. "It's my fault."

"Ah ha! So the traitor confesses! Warrior away from the enemy! And you, get back over to  your partner in crime." Sokka narrows his eyes at you. "These two foreigners are banished from our village!"

"Excuse me?" You raise your eyebrows at the audacity this boy has.

"Sokka! Stop, your making a huge mistake!" Katara says, doing her best.

"No! I'm keeping the promise I made to dad! I'm protecting you from threats like them" Sokka points at the two of us.

"Aang and Y/n aren't our enemies! Y/n was literally in the village the entire time!" Katara says, earning brownies points from me. "Don't you see? They have both brought something we hadn't had in a long time!  Fun!"

"Fun?!" Sokka seemed upset at the idea of it. "We can't possibly fight firebenders with fun! Get out of our village, now!"

"Grandmother please, don't let Sokka do this." Katara begged.

"Katara, you knew going in that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right, I think it would be best if the airbenders leave." Gran Gran says

"Then you can banish me as well!" Katara grabbed you and Aang but the arm and begun to pull her in the direction of Appa. "Y/n and Aang are taking me to the north pole to find a water bending teacher!"

I'm sorry, what?

"Would you really choose these two strangers over your tribe? Over your family?"

"Katara, I know how you feel at the moment, but you shouldn't leave your family." You say, taking your hand from her shoulder and ruffling her hair the smallest bit. You turned to the fellow airbender beside you. "Aang,"

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me, I will never forget it." Aang says sadly as he airbends up with you on Appa. "It was nice meeting anyone."

"Let's see that Bison fly now, Airboy." Sokka scoffs, but when you looked to him, his smile faltered for a few seconds and his confidence dropped.

"Appa, Yip yip." You said, gently shoving the back of Aang.

Appa rised from his feet only to walked out of the village, at least he was faster now.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Sokka says, making a 'tch' sound.

You glanced back to the village and smiled a bit with a small wave. The children happily waved back to you and Katara gave a sad wave back. Sokka just looked at you with suspicion. You huffed and turned back to the tundra of snow and ice.

"What is his problem?" You ask, settling down in the natural ice formation. "I was nice enough to him and now? We're both banished."

"I wish I could see Katara again, she was nice." Aang mumbles, a tad bit sad.

Appa lets out a low grumble, Aang who was slightly in his own world now, agreed with Appa. A strange smile in the air, filled your lungs up with a disgusting taste. You looked around the frozen tundra for the cause of this. You gasped when you saw the dark ship almost hidden in the fog, you followed the path that it was heading and traced it back to the village.

"Aang, we should do something." You say, Aang nodded in agreement.

You and Aang slide down the ice, telling Appa to wait where he was before running off, gilders in hand and ready to be used.

With the small gust of wind, you and Aang took off into the sky, going straight for the village. The ship was crashing into it, but stopped before it hit anyone. From afar, you could slightly see what was going on. Sokka was upside down in the snow for some reason, the dark tones of colour told you that the Fire Nation was invaded the village. The small orange colour of fire drifted over the heads of the village people, you and Aang speed up.

"Let me do most of it! Be careful when you land!" You tell him, going higher into the sky to try and sneak attack. You may be an Air Nomad, but that didn't mean all of us are so peaceful, you learnt to fight.

Sokka then charged forward at the Fire Nation man...or kid...teenager. He failed each time, ending up on his butt.

Aang was coming down hit on a penguin while you were in the sky. Aang got there first and tripped the teen who was about to harm Sokka with fire. You made sure the teen would fall and a gust of snow would land on him.

You landed on the ground close to the cheering children of the tribe. The cheers stopped for a brief moment in time when Aang accidently drifted snow all over them, but they cheered on. 

"Hey Katara, hey Sokka." Aang smiled at the two siblings as you helped Aang from the ground.

"Hi...Aang, Y/n..." Sokka said, doing the worst wave. "Thanks for coming."

The teen was back on his feet now and the fire nation solider were currently surrounded both you and Aang. You moved in front of Aang and sent a wave of snow over the top of them.

"Back off mate, not all airbenders are peaceful." Your roll up your sleeves. From behind you, Aang was giving you a thumbs up.

"You're and airbender? You're the Avatar?" The scarred boy asks me, the snow was already melting off him.


"No way."

"Y/n? Aang?"

"I've spent years of my life training for this." The boy starts to circle you.

"You think I'm the Avatar?" You say, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course you are! You're an Airbender!" He says, getting a little feisty.

"Woah, easy there, you firecracker." You say, giving him a nickname.

"You're just a child!" He spits.

"You have a rat tail and you're the same age, shut up." You give a sassy remark back.

Angry with your comeback, he throws fire blasts at you, you divert them away with your glider as Aang tries to jump in and help.

"Aang! I'm your protector and so help me GOD if you join in on this, I will personally air-bend you to the other side of the galaxy! Just please go make sure the village doesn't turn into collateral damage." You say, sending a lovely cold wave of snow at the fire teenager.

The attacks got more angry and more fatal, when you looked back at the screaming little kids who could do nothing but stand by and watch, your heart broke. You stopped the fight for a few seconds before talking to him.

"Firecracker! If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone and never come back here?" You say, pointing your glider at him.

The teen thinks about this before standing up tall and nodding his head. The two guards grab your shoulders and force your glider away from you before escorting you to the ship. You look behind your should at Aang who was making a run for you, but with a glare and the shake of your head, he stopped and looked defeated.

As you reach the top of the ship ladder and the door closes you give the village a small smile, but it fades as you see the tears welling in Aang's eyes. The door closes on you and your forced the the back of the ship.

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