The Late Night Talking

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"That's the bathrooms, they are old and could possibly break." You point at room as you zoom pats it. "You've seen your room, and we eat lunch out on the balcony."


"Appa walks around anywhere and everywhere, don't mind him. He probably sleeps in the stables and on the balcony, so don't mind him. We wash him every 2 weeks, and everyone helps around with that." You cut him off, still giving Zuko a 'tour' of the place.

"Toph made her own room, Katara's is two doors down from mine, Sokka is first one you walk past and Aang sleeps on the fifth floor in one of the rooms." You point at the building for the rooms. "Aang doesn't eat meat, and I only eat fish as meat, so expect a lot of fish, fruits, nuts and bread as your diet."

"Y/n-" Zuko tried to speak, he wasn't he even sure he got everything you listed.

"Any questions? No, perfect." You said all that without a breath and you instantly started walking away.

"Y/n!" Zuko ran after you, stopping you by jumping in front of you. "Can we talk?"

"Talk about what? I just gave you a tour." You tilted your head and placed your hands on your hips.

"About Ba Sing Se, about..." Zuko tried to find the right words, which in his case, barely ever worked. "Us?"

"Ba Sing Se fell. I was only ever in the city to look for Appa. And about 'us'? That would have of happened if some sand-bender didn't get confident." You were still pissed at him and you had every reason to be pissed.

"I know your angry with me, and I understand why!" He ran a hand through his hair. "Just hear me okay, please?"

You tapped your foot. You were being a little extra mean, and you kinda thought it was overkill, but you didn't stop.

"I...enjoyed my time with you. I enjoyed our relationship-" He looked you in your eyes.

"It wasn't never a relationship, Zuko." You cut him off once more. "It barely last two weeks, that's a 30 day free trial."

"Then what about when you pulled me from the water when pirates and Zhao attacked my ship? Or how we both broke into the Northern Water Tribe? Or when Azula tracked down Aang with the bison's fur? What about the night you took out of the tea shop and up on that hill?" Every little detail of those moments hit you like a wall. "I enjoyed that. I had fun with you!"

"Then you ran off and that all changed."

"Then let me change it back!" Zuko almost yelled, he grabbed your arms and looked right into your arms. "All I can do is ask for your forgiveness. I'm sorry for what I did, I swear."

"I trusted you." Instead of brushing his hands off your arms, you grabbed his wrist and pinned them to his side. "I can't make that mistake again."

You started to walk off, the cool night breeze setting in. Zuko, suddenly the begging type, grabbed your wrist one more time.

"Then let me prove I can be trusted. I've changed, I know how it sounds, but I have. Please, learn to trust me again."

The only noise was the animals nearby waking up or getting ready for sleep. Birds flocking back to their nests and owls waking up. You slid your wrist out of his grasp, but stood in the same spot, unmoving.

"I don't give 2nd chances." You say, turning your head over your shoulder. "And I'm not giving you luck...So you have to really work towards this, and even then don't expect anything."

And you walked away. When you got to your room, you slammed the door and kicked the wall. Everything part of the conversation playing back in your head. Was he telling the truth? Was it all a fat lie? Did he just feel sorry?

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