The Useless Man's Power

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"Sokka, why don't you let me draw the lost signs, I think I can just...naturally draw...more realistic than you." You saw looking over from your drawing of Appa over to Sokka's many attempts.

"What are you talking about, mine are great!" Sokka's eyes light up at his...let's face it, bad drawings of Appa.

"Yes, but...I think people will need to know what he looked like. You know, exactly what he looked like." You say, trying to be nice as possible.

The door suddenly opened, but it was just Aang and Katara running with. "We found a printer to print our photos!"

Katara held up a poster of a really well-drawn Appa with a mini Aang next to him and information about the bison. You deadpanned, seeing how much better it was than yours. Looking back at your work, you saw you forgot one of his horns and the other eye was wonky.

"Hey, I thought designing our lost Appa photos, were Y/n's and mine part of the job. I've been working all day on my Appa." Sokka held up the photos, and you had to stop yourself from laughing, the one he held up was worse than the others.

Katara didn't hold back on destroying the will to live of her brother as she snickered. Appa pushed back a laugh, really showing how the Avatar was stronger than all of us.

"Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head!" Aang says, pointing to the picture.

Sokka looks over, before looking back at Aang. "That is his head."

Everyone started criticising Sokka's art, so you quickly threw yours away before anyone could see by. And by throwing it away, you really just shoved it into your satchel you were now carrying with you 24/7.

"It looks just like him, to me." Toph says, looking up at the ceiling. The spirits were really testing you today.

You made sure to take control of the flyers down where Zuko and Iroh were. You knew it was a big risk to hand flyers out around the area, so that part of Ba Sing Se could know about the Avatar visiting and was looking for Appa. Zuko only thought you were in Ba Sing Se alone, and not with Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph.

And now that you were thinking about it, you couldn't be here for that long anyway. When you find Appa, you have to leave. What will happen then? You literally made out with the Prince of the Fire-Nation last week, would you pack up and leave without saying goodbye? Do you tell him? Do you send a bird or something?

Whatever you would wind up doing, you could focus on it later. You circled around where Zuko lived and where the tea shop was, making sure the posters didn't go towards him. Happy with your work, you fly away and freely threw the poster around, making sure everyone could get one.

You made your way back to the temporary home and you felt your face dropped as you saw Joo Dee back, and her stupid sickening smile on her face.

"You are absolutely forbidden, by the rules of the city, to continue putting up posters." Joo Dee finished with a smile and the tilt of her head.

"Um, lady." She turned around to face you with said smile. "Would you like the war that you constantly ignore to take over the world? Ba Sing Se may have held itself for now, but if the fire-nations wins, this place is gone. Without us, the city would be fire-nation territory already."

"Hello, Y/n."

"I am going to put up as many posters as Aang needs to find his best friend and one of his last fragments of his culture left in this world. I believe he can bend a few rules for the survival of humanity, don't you?" You crossed your arms and leaned forward.

"Y/n, I hope you understand, that unauthorised meeting in the lower region of the city is not permitted." Joo Dee ignore everything you said. "Meeting a boy doesn't mean you can break the rules, female air-benders like yourself should be kind and quiet, not rule-breakers. Here in Ba Sing Se, we follow the rules. Maybe if you took a trip to Lake Laogai, you might feel better."

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