Sort Of Going To Plan

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Neither you or Zuko spoke for the next few minutes. You were still shivering, but less violently than before. Zuko's body was just so bloody warm, you leaned into it as much as you could. He was rubbing his hand up and down your arm, trying to keep you warm enough.

If anyone saw you now, you'd go mad. You, an air-bender who's sole purpose was to protect the Avatar was practically cuddling the Fire-Nation prince who was out to get said Avatar. Oh, how the spirits would laugh.

You were getting warmer, and slowly, the feelings in your limbs came back and you could form a fist. You let out a shaky, cold breath before glancing your face up to look at Zuko.

"Thank you..." You breathed out, the air was visible as you spoke. Zuko's eyes glanced down to you, making eye contact with you.

"You saved my life, I saved yours. Just a debt." He shrugged, blinking a few times. "My uncle would have been mad if I didn't help you out a bit."

"Oh really?" You deadpanned, shaking your head slightly. "You go. I'll be a few minutes." 

"What? Don't you have to make sure Aang is safe?" Zuko was confused at your words.

"He'll be safer with you, than he is with Zhao." You gently pushed yourself off Zuko, wanting to go back and feel warm again. "Please, just go. I'm sure we'll meet again soon."

Zuko sighed, searching you for a moment but stood up and started to walk away. You pushed yourself more upright and took off the first layer of clothing from the fire nation uniform. It was the same thing Zuko was wearing, the white jacket and pants with pin strips. You slid it off to reveal your air-nomad clothes.

You clapped your hands together, rubbing them and breathing hot into them before rubbing your shoulders. You bent down, stretching your limbs and cracking as many joints as you possibly could.

Zhao was coming for Aang, and so was Zuko. An army of fire-nation soldiers are coming for the water tribe, but they've paused they raid until daybreak appears, so the moon can't hurt them. You needed to do a lot of things, but finding Aang was the priority. 
You rolled your ankles, making your feet ready to walk and run. You pulled yourself off the ground and started to run towards the palace. Aang had to be around there.

The nights in the Northern Water Tribe were known to be deadly cold when not wearing the proper clothes. Days in the air-nomads, back before the war, it was warm, like spring. You had to figure out how cold the night were the hard way.
You were running your way up the stairs, getting closer to the palace, but your lungs were icy cold.

You made it to the palace gates, stopped by the guards and only to be helped the next second when they saw who you were. 
"Where is Aang? The Avatar, where is he?" You demanded to know.

"He is with the water tribe girl and the princess. They are safe." One of the guards said. "You must be cold."

The kind guard took off his coat and handed it to. You gladly took it from him and draped it over your shoulders.
"Where is his exact location?"

"I am unsure. He can't be far, now let us get to some food." He gently took your arm to move you, but you stayed put.

"No, I can't eat right now." You couldn't tell them that Zuko was currently hunting for them, that would be awkward. 

You looked to the ground, studying it as you tried to think about where Aang was. You knew that helped destroy 14 fire-nation ships before retreating back to think of a plan, but knowing him he'd need to speak the-

"Tell me, where is your most spiritual place?"

The guard told you about to oasis and that sent you running, you could see sunlight begin to cast over the land. The moon had disappeared, meaning the water tribe was weaker and the fire-nation was stronger. You had to go quicker.

You barged in through the door and felt the heat of the place. You ran towards the small zen garden to find Katara on the floor, not awake and no sign of Aang.

"Katara!" You yelled her name and skidded to a stop in front of her before dropping to the floor and shaking her. "Katara, come on, wake up! Where is Aang?!"

Katara slowly opened her eyes, but they flashed open and frantically looked around. "Aang! No!"

"Katara!" You shook her letting her know you were there.

"Oh my spirits!" Katara engulfed you in a hug. "We didn't know what happened to you, Aang thought you were taking the long way back!"

"Katara, listen." You pulled her hug away and stared into her eyes. "Where is Aang."

"Hey!" A voice came from the sky, and Appa was coming down to the ground, Sokka and the princess on his back. "What happened- Y/n!? Your back! Great timing!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." You flicked your hand. "I'll tell you later, right now, where is Aang?!"

"Zuko! It was Zuko, he took Aang right out from under me." Katara sighed, herself.

You closed your eyes, thanking every possible spirit that it was Zhao that took him, but you guessed the man in question would be arriving soon. 

"Where did they go?" Sokka sighed.

You looked back to Appa. The only way out of here that wouldn't mean Zuko would have to deal with guards would be up.

"I can't believe I lost him..." Katara said, hugging herself.

"Where is Aang's staff?" You asked, walking fast towards the bison, you said it in a mumble, so the others did actually hear you say anything. You found his staff and took it in your head, turning around and opening it.

"Take Appa up, Zuko couldn't have gone far." You took off into the sky, flying up the big ice capsule and towards the icy tundra ahead.

You saw the trail of snow that was quickly being covered by the snow, so you followed it. As you got closer to its end, you saw a large part of the ice break apart and snow rising up into the air. You then saw a figure moving towards some sort of shelter area. You knew who it was.

You followed Zuko as he carried Aang on his back as they boy was in the Avatar state.

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