And Then There Was Two

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"Is there any food anywhere?" Sokka holds his stomach as he looks around.

"You're lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders to visit an air temple and all you can think about is food?" Katara is clearly unimpressed with her brother.

"I'm just a simple guy with simple needs." Sokka deadpans. You stop walking and Aang comes to a stop next to you.

"This is where we played air ball with out friends." Aang points to the air ball field. "Over there is where the bison used to sleep...and..." Aang's voice trailed off.

"What's wrong?"

"This placed used to be filled with monks and lemurs and bison...Now there's nothing but a bunch of weeds. I can't believe how much have changed..." You placed a hand on Aang's shoulder.
You didn't want to admit it, but deep down you knew things wouldn't be the same.

"So- ur...about this air ball game. How is it played?" Sokka asks. You smile at his attempt to distract Aang.

"Hey, Aang." You call to him before he goes and plays.


"I'm gonna go walk around for a bit, don't get into too much trouble." You  say, giving the boy a warm smile before waving off and walking away.

You duck under a ripped cloak covering a doorway and you walk al9ng the hand-crafted stone floor. You remember when the monks had to fix the floor after 3 yr. old you had a tantrum.
Sighing, you walked into the next room. A smile appeared on your face as you recognised the stable.

Hiom, your bison slept here. He was a tired bison, since you used to sneak out a lot in the night.
You walked to the end of the stable with a purpose.
The stall was bison-less, much to your dismay. You knew Hiom probably wasn't here, he was a good bison, but if Katara was right, and it has been 100 years then Hiom would have been buried.

Your eyes roamed the stall, but when they saw something on the ground, your eye lit up. It was your satchel. Your eyes beamed and you drove straight for it.

You sat and leaned against the wall as you opened it. Your new journal with about 9 pages filled out was the first thing you got your hands on. You flipped through the pages.
"You could be useful." You say as you scavenge around for a pen. You let out a triumph sound once you found one.

Then then started to write. You wrote about what happened recently.

About Aang's concern for the monks moving him, about running away. Yo7 wrote about how stinky Appa was in the Southern Water Tribe. You also mentioned Katara and Sokka.
You just got to start writing about Prince Firecracker when you heard a yell from nearby.

You jerked your head up and then opened the satchel, shoving the book and pen away.
You slung the bag over your shoulder and scrabbled to your feet, running in the direction of the noise.

"Aang!?" You yelled, in hope he was okay. "Hello? Guys!?"

You pulled a few twists and turns until an unnatural strong wind caught your attention.

"Aang!" You yelled out again. He couldn't be hurt, right? Sokka and Katara would help him, right? 

You walked into the yard which was now swirling around Aang who seemed to be in a trance of some sort. Katara was walking towards him, trying to get him to calm down. You saw Sokka on the ground, taking cover from a rock.

"Sokka!" You called out to him as you ran and took cover with him. "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know! He got really sad about the monks and now his eyes are glowing!" Sokka yells to get me to hear him.

Suddenly the wind died down. You pushed off the rock and hurried off the Aang who looked a little tired.

"Aang! Aang, are you okay? What happened?" You took his shoulders. "Are you hurt?"

Aang shook his head. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologise for." You hugged the traumatized boy. You looked up to Katara and mouthed a 'thank you' to her.
You could feel Aang move his head to face Katara, you let go of the boy a bit so he could move.

"You were right.  And if firebenders found this temple, then they must have found the rest of them." Aang looks up at you sadly. "We really are the last airbenders."

Aang sniffed and you pulled him closer into a hug. You knew the truth, but you didn't want to accept it. It really has been 100 years and everyone we once knew is most likely dead. Your now 115 years old, but you still had a job to do.
To protect Aang.

"Looks like you made a new friend, Sokka." Aang says as you and him approach the boy who was inhaling all the food.

"Can't talk. Must eat." Sokka ignores everything as food is the most important thing to him.

When Aang stopped close enough to the little lemur, the lemur jumped up and crawled around Aang, stopping to wrap around his head.
"Hey little guy." Aang smiled at the lemur. "You, me, y/n and Appa are all that's left of this place. We have to stick together. Katara, Sokka, say hello to the newest member of our family."

"What are you going to name him?" Katara asks as she stores the food into bags.

"...Momo." Aang says proudly.
Momo then moves off Aang's head to steal a piece of fruit of Sokka, which makes us all chuckle.

After we've packed everything we needed to and boarded it on Appa, we all climbed aboard and sail off into the sky. You sat at the back with your face turned to the air-temple. You missed everything about that place, but it felt good to know you wouldn't be stuck there for the rest of your life.

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