Truly Desperate

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"There she is!" A voice called out.

The sun was out and you were sweating on the ground. Appa was gone and you were surrounded by sand. You felt a hand on your shoulder flip you around, the sun blasting int your eyes.

"Y/n! Y/n, can you hear me?" You couldn't tell if it was Katara or not.

"Y/n!" That voice you could tell anywhere, you felt sand being blown away from your face as Aang landed next to you. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Appa..." you coughed out, barely able to open your eyes. "Appa...they took...Appa."

"We know." Aang closed his eyes, helping you up. "Katara, help me."

After that, you were in swings of consciousness and unconsciousness. You heard moments of yelling, trying to figure out where to go, the chitter of Momo and the worried tone of Katara.

You didn't know how long you were out for, but you soon felt water slowly filling your mouth. You swallowed it, and it was much easier to open your eyes than before hand.

"Where?" It was all you could say at the moment.

"We're out of the desert...Appa is gone, but we know that he's in Ba Sing Se." Katara was there, she helped you sit upright.

You held your head, trying to meditate the headache away. "How long was I out for?"

"A few days, at the most." Katara sighs. "You were badly injured. Aang was worried sick."

"I trie to stop them." You looked down at your hands. "But I was highly outnumbered..."

"Toph saved your stuff." Katara tried to changed the subject as she gave you your satchel and new glider. "She wouldn't let anyone open it, but don't tell her I said that."

You chuckled. "Thank you."

Katara left you after that, so you opened your satchel and started to write. You had your feet in the water and Aang and Katara played in it. In your reflection, you saw the black eye that probably looked worse when you weren't awake. Sokka complain about how Katara was ruining the map that was hundreds of years old and was collected by a spirit. Speaking of the library, Sokka had also gotten you some scrolls about fighting styles so you could learn.

As Sokka said that there wasn't going to be anymore distractions, a distraction appear.

"So, are you heading to Ba Sing Se too?" Aang asked the couple and the young girl.

"Sure are." The man spoke. "We're trying to get there before my wife Ying, has her baby."

"Great, we can travel through the serpent's path together." Katara smiled, happy that she could introduce herself to more people.

"The serpent's path?" Ying looked horrified. "Only the truely desperate take that deadly path."

"Deadly route? Great pick Sokka." Toph hit the wolftail wearing boy.

"We'll we are desperate."

"You should come with us to full-moon bay." The man suggested. "Ships take refugees on their way, it's the fastest way to Ba Sing Se."

"And it's hidden, so the fire nation can't find it." Ying smiles, holding her stomach.

"Hmm...peaceful ferry ride or deadly path?" Katara smirked as her brother looked at her annoyed.

When you got to the full-moon bay, you saw many refugees and their tents. Everyone looked so bummed out, and you hated that the fire nation was the fault of it all. You went towards the line, waiting behind a very familiar looking man as his cabbages were destroyed.

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