King Of Omashu

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"The Earth Kingdom City of Omashu!" Aang announced proudly as the Kingdom came in view. "Me and Y/n used to come here to visit out friends here. We would mostly visit out friends Bumi or Chehan."

"Wow, we don't have cities like this in the south pole." Katara says, as she admires everything.
"They have buildings here that don't melt!" Sokka adds, in utter shock.

"It's so much better on the inside." You say, poking Sokka with his boomerang until he snatches it back.

"Wait Aang! It could be dangerous if people found out your the avatar. And y/n, you'll both have to put on disguises." Katara says, worrying a little bit.

"What are we supposed to do? Grow some mustaches?" Aang questions. Katara soon grows a cheeky grin before walking over to Appa and grabbing a chunk of his fur.

"That's a good idea." She says as she starts to organize them, you watch in curiosity. He made Aang what was probably the first bison fur wig and mustache in the world.

"It's so itchy." Aang says as he tried to itch his bald shiny head.

You laugh at Aang, but as soon as you felt Katara grab you down, you instantly tried to wiggle free.
"Hey! No, I refuse! This is abuse! Let go, you crazed woman!" 

"There, done." Katara claps her hands once she finished her work. You would see the mass of bison fur on your head. It felt like an overly huge hair-bun.

"Great, now you guys look like my grandparents." Sokka says, folding his arms and looking between the two of you.

"Well, techincally, Aang is 112 years old. And Y/n is older then him, sooo."
"I'm 115, you water snowflake."

"Now, let's get to skipping, young whippersnapper! The big city awaits!" Aang mimics the voice of an old man and uses the old hunchback moments to move.

As you walk over to the entrance of the city, a man selling cabbages was thrown overboard. Your face makes a reaction as you try not to laugh. You glanced at the broken carriage and smashed cabbages.
"Just keep smiling."

One of the guards earth bended a boulder over the top of Aang's body an used a threatening voice to say.
"State your business."

Aang then got up in the soldier's face before  you could and yelled back at him. "My business is my business, young man, and none of your's! I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!"

"Settle down, old timer, just tell me who you are." The guard dropped the boulder and sighed, taken a bit by surprise by Aang.

"Name's Bonzoo Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the third. This is my older sister and grandkids." Aang just had to come up with the most longest and hardest name on earth.

"Konzoo Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the first and last." You faked an old lady voice.

"Hi, June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis, nice to meet you." Katara said the name with perfection as she smiled and waved to the guard.

"You seem like a responsible young lady, seek to it that your grandparents say out of trouble." The guard then moves to the side and lets us pass.
You squeeze the guard's cheek like an old person would before smiling at him and saying.

"What a nice young man you are." You then pass him and he thanks you. Who doesn't like to be complemented nicely by old people?

"Wait a minute." The guard said and you almost shat yourself.
"You're a strong young boy, show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandparent's things!"

You smirk as you take the satchel carrying the few things you had left and threw it harshly at Sokka's face making him fall backwards. Aang also took the opportunity to throw his bag at Sokka.
You enter the kingdom and memories of things that felt only happened a few weeks ago that were in reality almost a hundred years ago came back to you.

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