The Elements And Aang

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You watched as Aang bounced backwards as he tried to move the rock, slamming into Appa. Sokka laughed in his sleeping bag.

"Maybe there's another way, what if I came at the boulder in a different angle." Aang says as he moves around the rock.

"No." Toph grabbed his collar. "That's the problem. You've got to stop thinking like air-bender, there's no different angle, no funky solution and no tricky trick that gonna move that rock." Toph pushed Aang over. "You've got to face it head on, and when I mean head on, I mean like this."

You raised your eyebrows as you watch Toph break the Boulder with her head. Aang jumped back, amazed at what she just did. You were so very close to clapping and cheering her on.

Katara ran forward to speak with Toph. You watched over Aang from a distance as he practiced his earthbending by kerning ways to...actually, you weren't sure what Toph was doing, but you assumed it was working.

As you finished feeding Appa some berries and plants you found, you saw Aang walking back with a bummed expression on his face. You sighed and walked over, kneeling down to his height.

"What is wrong?"

"I can't learn earthbending, it's useless!" Aang whines, shoving his head in his heads.

"Aang, you can learn it, it's just going to be more difficult since it's the polar opposite of our bending, just like fire and water." You explain to him, holding shoulder. "You have the ability to learn every bending technique there is. You just have to learn their strengths and where to begin."

"I don't know where to begin" He takes his hands away.

"Fire is the element of power, Earth is the element of substance, water is the element of change, and air is the element of freedom. You master to master all four elements and take on the meaning. It's important to draw wisdom from many places, as if you only take it from one place it won't work, you have to become the element if you want to master it." You tried to explain it in the best way you could.

"I don't understand, you want me to become rock?" Aang questioned, tilting his head and looking confused.

"No, Aang-" you smacked your forehead. "I want you to be an earth bender, not an air-bender. Forget what you know about the other elements, and just have the mindset of an earth-bender. Now go to Katara, you still haven't mastered Water-bending yet."

"Okay." Aang sighed and ran off to find the girl.

You took in a breath and stood upright again, moving over to Appa and feeding him once again. "That boy has a lot to learn in such short time."

Appa groaned. You smiled at him. "Don't worry, he'll be fine."

At the end of the day, Aang managed to earth-bend and Sokka was found in a crack in the ground. You started a campfire and tried to find something to eat.

"Hey this reminds me." Aang says looking away from the fire then over to you on the other side of him. "Why did you come to the abandoned village with Zuko?"

"What? You what?!" Sokka was very intrigued, but you weren't sure if that was good or not.

"Oh calm down, it's like what happened at the North-Pole. We both needed to get to Aang, so we helped each other." You said as you ate your slightly stale bread. "No biggie."

"No biggie? No biggie?!" Sokka seemed very mad. "Your riding with the enemy! He could've held you hostage and made us exchange you for Aang! Why do you even trust him so much?!"

"I don't know, air-bending spiritual magic?" You shrugged. "The hair was good thing though, because that ponytail was not it."

"You can say that again." Katara agreed with you, then realised what she said, "But! That doesn't even matter! He's fire nation, you shouldn't trust him."

"Yeah, from what I heard his uncle say, he sounds a little lost." Toph adds, her feet where in the air and you guessed that was the equivalent of her closing her eyes.

"I'm sorry, come again?"

"Just before we all attacked that chick in the village, I had tea with his uncle. The guy really loves and worries for him. Good man." Toph nods her head.

"The more you know." You drank some water as Katara, Sokka and Aang were all highly confused.

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