The Tragic Backstory

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You did not take 5 minutes. 

You woke up to something hitting you. Groaning, and being annoyed, you scrambled awake and looked down to see what was going on.

"Zuko?!" You fell out of the tree, stopping yourself with air bended it before you hit the ground. "What?"

"What are you doing in the tree?" He asked, moving his ostrich-horse.

You got a better look of the guy. He was in earth-kingdom clothes and his ponytail was gone. He actually had the ability to grow hair, as it showed.

"When did you get hair- I mean." You cleared your throat, making it sound like you didn't care. "Why do you-how. The hair?"

He didn't answer you, he just looked away. You nodded, seeing he didn't wanna talk about. You then saw the sun setting in the distance.

"Oh shit- Aang- wait a minute." Lots of thoughts were running through your mind right now. "Where are you going?"

"Where are you going?" He asked the same question, looking at you with narrow eyes.

You both stared at each other for a moment more, a mini staring competition starting. You were the first to blink, shrugging and gesturing your hands. "Move over, we're both going the same way."

You climbed on the ostrich-horse and got yourself comfortable. Zuko looked at you confused as you mounted.

"What are you waiting for?" You questioned. "Onward, noble-steed!"

It took Zuko a moment, but he urged the ostrich-horse to move.  He followed the tracks towards the tank, which stopped at a river nearby.

"Azula and her friends were in these tanks. They were on lizard things." You say, hopping off the ostrich-horse and moving towards the clumps of bison fur.

"This must be how they were following us." You picked up the trail, but you saw the clumps of the fur in the water and the trees broken in the distance. "Aang must have realised and washed Appa. He's leading them away, and they have figured that out. Follow the fur and we get to Aang."

"Have you forgotten how I am?" Zuko began, his mind was very confused on why you just trusted him all of a sudden.

"Firecracker, listen." His face cringed at the nickname. "This is like the north-pole. Your ponytail is gone now, and Iroh is no where near you. You've been announced an outcast to the fire-nation and your sister is tracking the Avatar."

"Your point is?!"

"Let's just work together for the moment! Aang will not be electrocuted by your sister under my watch, I'd betray what was probably the dying wish of all the air-nomads. So, come on. Those lizard things are fast." You got back on Zuko's ride.

"Your confusing." He muttered and you hit him on the back of your head.

"Never let them know your next move." You say, sighing and leaned back a small bit. "So, what have you been up to for the last few weeks?"

"I became poor." He groaned. "A little boy helped me, but when some earth-bending guards took him, I tried to help him. He didn't like I was a fire bender."

"Yeah, your not really well liked in the world." You straighten your back. "But your more awkward than scary."

He turned back to you with a look and you raised your hand in defence.

"I was raised by the teachings that the fire-nation was the right path. But...seeing what we did, what we's confusing." He must of had this in for a long time if he was telling you, wasn't really his style.

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